SISTER STUDY . . . Going Through the Bible in One Year

Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

An Equal Inheritance


(September 24)

There are so many things that are passed down through the generations. I think of some of my most treasured possessions ... pieces of crystal, figurines, jewelry, and other sweet things that once belonged to family members who came before me. If you are like me, you are sentimental about things like that.

There are also other things that can be passed down. Things that are not so pleasant... illness and disease, mental issues, anger, abuse, and dysfunction. Those are things we don't like to think about, but it happens every day.

In today's portion of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he is addressing something else that can now be passed down through the generations, thanks to the gifting God gave him. Because of the calling on his life, he was able to share the Good News not just with the Jews, but also with the Gentiles.

This allowed the generations to come, both Jew and Gentile, to pass this knowledge down and share equally in the riches of the inheritance that we receive as God's children. This inheritance allows us to approach God boldly and confidently without fear.

Paul also talks about being a prisoner for Christ Jesus. He meant this literally. he had been imprisoned in Rome for preaching about Jesus. The religious leaders felt threatened by him, so they pressured the Romans to arrest him and have him brought to trial for treason and for causing rebellion amongst the Jews. Paul was under arrest and being held prisoner, but his view that God was in control did not waiver.

This was important for the Ephesians to know, just as it is important for us to know. If not for his willingness to suffer, the Ephesians would not have heard the Good News. Paul endured that pain so that new believers would come to Christ.

That sacrificial type of life brought many new believers. And those beliefs were passed down from generation to generation, which is why we are believers today.

Because of this, today we can all have an equal inheritance in the Kingdom of God, despite our upbringing, our nationality, our race, our economic situation, or our past sins.

What a wonderful inheritance that is for believers everywhere!! My heart wants to shout a humble and sincere "thank you" to Paul for his willingness to endure trials for the sake of the Gospel. My hope is that someday I get to thank him face-to-face.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The Clay

One Year Bible (Sep. 24)

Isaiah 43:14-45:10


“Does a clay pot argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, ‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’ Does the pot exclaim, ‘How clumsy can you be?’ How terrible it would be if a newborn baby said to its father, ‘Why was I born?’ or if it said to its mother, ‘Why did you make me this way’?” (45:9-10)

I have a beautiful new enameled cast iron dutch oven from the Hearth & Hand Magnolia Home Collection. It is the new off-white color and is seriously too beautiful to cook with. (That is my excuse anyway, and I am going to use that for a while until it is time for some fall stew!) It is safe for cooking for up to 500 degrees. My new dutch oven is a POT, a lovely POT!

I clean out another “POT” on Saturdays if you know what I mean. In fact, we have three “such pots” in our home that people use for “bathroom purposes” all week long. Cleaning out these “so-called pots” is one of my least favorite jobs in the world!

I don’t know about you but I want to be considered a “Swanky Pot” not the other variety!

Today’s passage brings up an important question and an insight into how God, the Potter creates and uses POTS…

The controversy begins in Isaiah 45:1, “This is what the LORD says to Cyrus, his anointed one, whose right hand he will empower.”

What’s the big deal with this verse you may wonder. Well, Cyrus was a “gentile king” and he is called “Anointed” in this passage.

Still not get the problem here? To the Jews, calling a gentile "anointed" was like calling a “Pot” a “THRONE”... Got it? They were unclean. (Like my so-called “pot”). Ewe! Walk the other way, quickly! Unclean! To say that they “turned their nose up” would be a GROSS understatement (like the pot).

This is the only place where a gentile king is called "anointed".
So, why is God calling this “POT” a “Throne”?

“I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD.” (45:3)

God is taking this unclean pot and using it for noble purposes. He is going to use him to free HIS people Israel.

Here is what God says about that, “I have made Israel for myself, and they will someday honor me before the whole world.” (43:21)

King Cyrus is putty in the Maker’s hands!

Listen to the next part as God talks about all that He has done before for His people, “But forget all that-- It is NOTHING compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” (43:18-19)

Speaking of “Pots”, does your life ever feel like it has “gone to pot”?

One of God’s best reminders to me of His faithfulness as "Potter" is when I think of Joni Eareckson Tada, who became a quadriplegic at the age of seventeen.

She was just going for a swim when she dove and broke her neck!

What a severe grace from a loving Father, but I have to tell you that she has touched more lives than any other disabled person in all of history. Wheelchairs for the world, disability ministries in churches, rights given to the disabled through government legislation, podcasts, artwork, music, advocacy, and Family Camps for disabled families are just a few of the blessings from her ministry.

We have met Joni and worked at her camps, and our family has been blessed and changed. So, have countless other families with disabilities. To many of us we think that God caused her happy life to “go to pot’, but here is what she has to say on the subject…

I’d rather be in this wheelchair knowing God than on my feet without him.”-- Joni Eareckson Tada

Do we trust the Potter with what he is doing with our lives?

We are "HIS CLAY"!

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Grace That is Greater Than All Our Sins


(September 23)

Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin!
(Julia H. Johnston)

Aren't you so glad for God's grace? It looks past every ugly thing we think, say, and do. This grace offers us hope when we feel hopeless because of our choices. It offers us life when we feel the darkness of death looming.

God's grace overpowers all the work Satan tries to do in us and to us. And this has been a battle that has been going on from the beginning. This is what Paul is speaking about in today's passage.

Paul referred to Satan as 'the ruler of the kingdom and the air." He rules with the demons and those who are against Christ. Gratefully, Christ won victory over Satan and his power through the resurrection. Satan is only a temporary ruler and only to those who choose to follow him. To those who choose to follow Christ, Satan has no authority.

Paul reminds the believers that they were once dead because of their disobedience, living in sin and obeying Satan. But God gave new life through the resurrection of Jesus, having great mercy and grace in saving those who would call on his name. What a great example of grace this was, and still is.

We are not saved because we are "good people" or do "good things". It is only by God's grace that we find that salvation.

In verse 2:14 he talks about the "middle wall of partition." This is the barrier people build between themselves. Christ destroyed this wall so that we can have real unity with people who are not like us. He did this by dying, making us all one, all having access to the Father through the Holy Spirit.

In verse 2:17-18, he mentions "those who were far off" and "those who were near". The Jews were near to God because they already had knowledge of him through Scriptures and their worship in religious ceremonies. The Gentiles were far away because they had very little knowledge of God. Both needed to hear about salvation through Christ, because neither group could be saved by their good deed or knowledge. Because of Jesus, both groups were free to come to God through Christ.

Do you stop and think about this often? Does your heart fill with gratitude at the grace God showers on you each day? Are you overwhelmed by his goodness? Does this bring you peace?

It is Christ who brings us peace, and allows us to experience grace, grace, God's grace. Take a moment and thank him for that beautiful gift.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Sing a New Song

One Year Bible (Sep. 23)

Isaiah 41:17-43:13

Sing A New Song

Sing a new song to the LORD! Sing his praises from the ends of the earth!...Let the whole world glorify the LORD; let it sing his praise” (42:10,12)

This passage reads like a new song! It is filled with words that jump off the page like a lofty chorus or a building bridge. Who is the song about?

Listen to what the LORD says through Isaiah, “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise with carved idols. Everything I prophesied has come true, and now I will prophesy again. I will tell you the future before it happens.”

I love how God is giving his people a vision of “A New Song” even before the angels sing it!

Isaiah 42:1-4 is referenced again in Matthew 12. Let’s look at Isaiah 42:1 first, “Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is MY CHOSEN ONE, who pleases me. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will bring justice to the nations.”

It is interesting that the word, “servant” in Isaiah can also be read as “son”. Jesus fits ALL descriptions…Servant, Chosen, Pleases God, Filled with HIS Spirit, Proclaims justice, Came for ALL nations. The people expected a “king” to save them, but instead, they got “The Servant King”.

Let’s now look at Matthew 12:18, “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.”

Matthew is referring to Jesus and applying it to JESUS. He makes the connection for us. Jesus is the fulfillment of all of Israel’s hopes, dreams, and longings.

Does this passage remind you of any other important events in the New Testament?

The words and phrases sound much like the voice that spoke from Heaven when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

Then, there was also the transfiguration recorded in Matthew 17:5, “While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him, I am well pleased. Listen to him'.”

How amazing that 700 years before these words were written of Jesus they were proclaimed by God through Isaiah! Remember, what He said,I will tell you the future before it happens!”

Do not be afraid, for I am with you, I will gather you and your children from east and west,. I will say to the north and south, ‘Bring my sons and daughters back to Israel from the distant corners of the earth’.”

Not only will God restore Israel and bring Israel out of physical captivity, but He will also bring “His Children” out of spiritual captivity through HIS suffering servant… HIS only begotten son in whom He is well pleased will be the instrument to bring PEACE to the NATIONS!

There is a song that I love from my children’s childhood. We used to take them to Joni & Friends Camp for Families with Disabilities. I have never heard worship since or before like I heard and witnessed during that week.

The camp was filled with people with all kinds of unimaginable disabilities: quadriplegics, paraplegics, people on breathing support, and children who didn’t have long at all to live… and they sang like that! They sang their hearts out like people that ached and longed for another land. As they sang they did the actions and the whole room reverberated with power. You could feel God’s smiles and tears flowing during worship. Here is one of the songs that they sang that I will never forget.

“Rise up church with broken wings. Fill this place with song again. Of our God who reigns on high. By His grace again we’ll fly….Shout to the North and the South. Sing to the East and the West Jesus is savior to all Lord of heaven and earthy.” (Shout to the North, Smith)

The words of Isaiah 700 years before “the servant son” would tell God’s people to…Sing A New Song!

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Spiritual Wisdom


(September 22)

As we begin Paul's letter to the Ephesians, this first portion is his greeting to this group of believers who have been redeemed in Christ. It is his prayer to them that they will live their lives with spiritual wisdom.

Ephesus was a commercial, political, and religious center for all of Asia Minor. It was one of the five major cities in the Roman Empire, and the temple of the Greek goddess Artemis was located there.

At this time, Paul had been a Christian for nearly 30 years. He had taken three missionary trips and had established churches all around the Mediterranean Sea.

Paul wrote Ephesians while under house arrest in Rome. He had stayed in Ephesus for almost three years during his last missionary trip. He had also met at a later date again with the elders of the church.

This letter was his attempt at giving them deep training about nurturing and maintaining unity within the church. He felt this was crucial information, and he had to write to them because he couldn't go to them due to his imprisonment.

It is thought that this letter went to Ephesus, and then was sent to other churches in the area. It was meant as a general teaching, mentioning no specific problems or situations, and with no specific personal greeting.

This letter reminds the reader of the spiritual blessings received by being united with Christ and the great love God had shown by sending Jesus. He also speaks about the glorious grace that was, and is, poured out on those who belong to Christ.

Paul tells them that God has a plan and a purpose. At the right time, everything in heaven and on earth will be brought together under the authority of Christ. Those who are united with Christ will receive a rich inheritance from God. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of this, and because of this, praise and glory should be given to God.

Paul expresses his thankfulness for their strong faith in the lord and their love for God's people. He assures them that he prays for them constantly: for their hearts to be flooded with the light of understanding so they will know the confident hope that he gives to those he calls, and for a true understanding of the greatness of God's power for all who believe in him.

In essence, he prays constantly for these believers to have spiritual wisdom. I am sure that if Paul were with us today, his incessant prayer would continue to be for us to all have spiritual wisdom ... to know the greatness of the power of our God and to put our hope and our faith in him and him alone.

When we are able to do this, we are united and can stand strong against the attacks of the enemy. When we stand united as a body, that body is made complete by Jesus, who is the head over all who believe.

Consider this ... do you feel as if you have a united body of believers around you, who will help you fend off the enemy's attacks? Are you that person for someone else?

This is the calling God puts on our lives as believers. This is what creates unity and strength among us. Ask for strength from others when you need it. And be that strength for someone in their time of need.

By doing so, we honor and please God, and we show the world what it means to have spiritual wisdom.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Gamechanger: Comfort My People

One Year Bible (Sep. 22)

Isaiah 39:1-41:16

Game Changer: Comfort My People

It was my last night of summer vacation and we were savoring the last moments and tastes of summer. Our family was enjoying one of our favorite dinners at a restaurant that features sports channels on every TV surrounding us. My husband, a former baseball player, just loves the Little League baseball World Series. We were watching the games when something so unusual happened…

A pitch struck Tulsa hitter, Isaiah Jarvis on the ear flap of his temple and he went down! All these teams had cared about was getting to Williamsport to make their town and team proud, but now this! In the very first inning of the Southwest Region Championship, Isaiah was down, the crowd was holding their breath, his mother was holding her chest, and the pitcher, Shelton was badly shaken!

The moment that followed will undoubtedly live on in sports history. You can see replays of it on every channel and read numerous sports articles about what came next…

Isaiah made it back up and was walked to first base. He looked up and saw the pitcher standing on the base crying, but no one was moving toward him. Isaiah called time out and hustled on over to the pitcher to hug him and offer words of comfort. They say that his words were, Hey, you’re doing just great.”

The sportscasters are calling this, “The Greatest Moment in the history of sportsmanship”. This youth taught the entire world a lesson about comfort and encouragement and that lesson will go down in sports history.

I always write ahead in the One Year Bible Study and I “happened” to be writing at this spot in the Bible. I say “happened” becomes we serve a God who makes things “happen”. Often times He just says, “Look Up” because he has an important lesson for us to learn.

Here is what I learned… They are quoting a verse in the Bible related to Isaiah’s finest moment and the verse they are quoting is found in Isaiah 46: 4b, “I have made you; I will sustain you, and I will rescue you.”

Why am I surprised? That is what is so amazing about our God. He has the ability to lift our eyes and see HIS hand of mercy and grace in everyday life.

Today’s passage is the transition from “The Judgment of God” to “The Comfort of God” and God is reminding HIS children that HE brings MERCY and HOPE.

He asks Isaiah, “Comfort my people!”

Just ask Shelton, the pitcher. There is no better feeling than to be comforted and given mercy. That is what God does for his people who did not cause duress by accident but by intent and choice.

There is an amazing passage in today’s reading that has been quoted in the New Testament. It is found in Isaiah 40:3-5 and three gospels relate this passage to the ministry of John the Baptist.

(Mt. 3:3, Mark 1:3, and Luke 3:3-6)

A voice of one calling, “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a HIGHWAY for our God. Every valley shall be raised up…” (40:3)

“Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and ALL people will see it together. The LORD has spoken! (40:5)

Who will see this revealing of salvation… a way prepared in the desert?

ALL PEOPLE…” For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOEVER believes in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)


Rescue. Redemption. Restoration will now be for more than just the Jewish people. God, HIMSELF will make a way for ALL men!

Speaking of games, we all feel compassion when we hear of the pitcher on the mound who was broken and crying. He never wanted to hurt the batter. That was never his intent and our heart goes out to the amazing comfort given to him by the batter, Isaiah Jarvis.

But, God is walking to the mound and HE is putting HIS arms around those who intentionally time and time threw “curve balls” at HIM, on purpose. His grace knows no bounds in the love for his fallen people.

Today’s passage is the “Gamechanger” in the book of Isaiah… So, God tells Isaiah, “‘Comfort My People”.

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

A New Creation


(September 21)

With the Holy Spirit living inside of us, we are no longer slaves to the sins that wreaked havoc on our lives before Jesus entered in. We are New Creations, re-born through the blood of Christ, forgiven and redeemed! Doesn't that make you want to shout "Hallelujah??"

There is a new song out on Christian radio by Mac Powell, former lead singer of Third Day and one of my all-time favorites. It is called New Creation.

I thought I knew what I was talkin' about
When I testified of Your greater love
When I was a soul on fire, there was no doubt
By the believin', saved and washed in The Blood

But it wasn't 'til I stumbled
And made my mistakes
That I can know, in my soul, how amazin' was Grace

You brought me blessings out of a tragedy
You turned my old song into a symphony
And with Your Spirit livin' inside of me
I'm a new creation, I'm a new creation

And now I know what You were talkin' about
In from my head, into my heart
When I was broken at the bottom, I found
You're my healer and redeemеr, Jesus, that's who You are

You brought me blеssings out of a tragedy
You turned my old song into a symphony
And with Your Spirit livin' inside of me
I'm a new creation, I'm a new creation

It really is that simple, and that amazing. We may make mistakes, but because we are new creations, we get to experience God's amazing grace over and over again. The enemy cannot win over God's grace.

But through this we must be careful. There are traps everywhere. The traps of comparison, self-importance, and inflated ego. We are to help others stay on the right path, but we are to do so humbly and with sincere hearts, not for the glory it brings to us.

God knows our hearts. We will always be rewarded accordingly. As Paul states, "You will always harvest what you plant." Just as he warned the Galatians, we too must live to please the Spirit if we want to harvest the everlasting life. If we live for our own sinful desires, we will harvest nothing but decay and death.

Paul warns to never tire of doing good because at the time that is right with God, we will reap a harvest of blessing for our efforts and perseverance. Because of this, we should always be looking for the good we can do for others.

Paul was troubled by some of the other false teachers who were not keeping the law and doing good themselves. They were trying to mislead the believers into thinking that circumcision was the proof of holiness. This was the ONE law they were holding on to and ignoring the rest.

Isn't it strange how people can get focused on a certain principle and use it as the measurement of faith? Maybe someone calls drunkenness a sin but is okay with gluttony. Or promiscuity is detested while prejudice is accepted.

As believers, we shouldn't think we can pick and choose which principles we follow. As new creations, our focus should be on following that which glorifies God, and nothing else.

All glory goes to the One who turns our tragedies into blessings and our old songs into symphonies.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Ten Steps Back

One Year Bible (Sep. 21)

Isaiah 37:1-38:22

Ten Steps Back

Do you find it interesting that we are reading about nations and kings and the downfalls that come with their pride, disobedience, and idolatry?

Just recently the FBI raided a former President’s residence which is unprecedented in the history of our nation.

In fact, you can not go for a single day without hearing evidence about crimes involving political people on both sides of the aisle. Few are ever investigated and some are covered up… for a season.

Do you notice that God didn’t immediately overthrow nations? Much of the time they went on repeating the same atrocities for years.

No, God didn’t change nations, but he eventually Judged them.

He did change people, though. He called the righteous, redeemed, remnant people to change the fabric of Israel’s history so that HE could send the Messiah.

I love the word, REMNANT. It was the chosen, holy piece of the cloth. God has never needed large numbers; instead, He is the POWER and HE uses the CALLED.

In our study of Kings, we looked at King Hezekiah’s story. You might want to go back and review what we discussed. God did remarkable things!

Today we want to look at the bigger picture, however. King Hezekiah was part of the “GREATER STORY”. He was part of the REMNANT’S REDEMPTION.

As we study THIS nation, I want us to think about OUR nation and how God can work in the midst of the MESS for a greater purpose.

First, when King Hezekiah was threatened by his enemies and all looked lost, what did he do with the bad news?

“After Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it, he went up TO THE LORD’s Temple and SPREAD IT OUT BEFORE THE LORD.” (37:14)


Our nation is in a tremendous spiritual battle as well. Churches come out for potlucks, but is there a large interest and participation in prayer?

Are we spreading out our needs before the LORD?

Do you know how God “took out” Hezekiah’s enemy?

The king's own sons brought that king’s demise!

When we pray, God can turn the enemy upon itself!

Not only did God handle his enemy, but he also handled Hezekiah’s illness and gave him fifteen more years because Hezekiah pled before the LORD.

Do you know how God promised Hezekiah that he would take care of his needs for the safety and future of his nation?

“And this is the sign from the LORD to prove that he will do as he promised: I will CAUSE THE SUN’S SHADOW TO MOVE TEN STEPS BACKWARD ON THE SUNDIAL. So, the SUNDIAL MOVED BACKWARD TEN STEPS.” (38:7-8)

“Now, O LORD our God, resume us from his power; then all the kingdoms of the earth will know that you alone, O LORD, are God.” (37:20)

And so we humbly pray with heavy hearts, “O LORD OF HEAVEN’S ARMIES, we need to take TEN STEPS BACK!

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

A Constant Battle


(September 20)

It can be so frustrating raising teenagers! They bicker and quarrel endlessly. It is a constant battle to get them to treat each other with respect. It is a constant battle to get them to put their shoes where they belong or make their beds. The battle never ends when it comes to putting away the electronics and spending some family time.

It's not that they don't KNOW what to do; it's that they CHOOSE not to do what they should do. And we, the parents, are left feeling frustrated and wondering why they make the choices they make.

Hmmm... did we ever stop to consider that is just how GOD feels when we make the poor choices in life that we, without fail, make time and time again? Those are the times we choose our sinful nature over what is right.

Paul speaks to the Galatians about this in his letter. He has given them so much to think about when it comes to their freedom as believers. But now he is warning them not to use that freedom to satisfy their sinful nature. The freedom they have is to be used to serve one another in love. He reminds them that "loving your neighbor as yourself" is a part of the greatest of all the commandments.

How do we avoid living out our freedom through sinful choices? By letting the Holy Spirit, which we gained when we accepted Christ into our hearts, be the guide of our lives. This Holy Spirit, when listened to, will give us the desire to do good, not the desire to sin that comes from the enemy.

This "good and bad" is a constant battle within us, but we don't have to be defeated into letting the enemy win. The Holy Spirit offers us the strength to turn away from the evil and ugly choices and make choices that are pleasing to God.

When sin has control, it is evident through what happens in our lives: "sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outburst of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these." (Verse 19-21)

But when we let the Holy Spirit be our guide, it produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." (Verse 22-23)

Paul reminds them that they are now living by the Spirit, because Jesus took their sins at the cross. So, since they are living BY the Spirit, they should also FOLLOW the Spirit in all areas of their lives.

The same applies to us. If we have accepted Christ into our hearts, our sins have been forgiven and the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within us. Let us follow that Spirit's lead in our actions and behavior.

We all need the fruits that this produces. And if we are raising teenagers, we might need a little extra of that fruit called patience!

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Highway of Holiness

One Year Bible (Sep. 20)

Isaiah 33:10-36:22

Highway of Holiness

Ever experienced “Road Rage” as you were driving down the highway minding your own business? It is frightening, and they say that highway shootings have tripled in the last year.

Now, this doesn’t even count cars that drive by you “flipping the state bird,” cutting you off, or screaming obscenities out the window. I am sure they are in a survey all their own…Sadly, the news reports that highway shootings have surged during the Covid pandemic. People rebel when faced with restrictions.

I encountered a very bad case of “Road Rage” today, actually. We weren’t on a normal highway. We were floating in the lazy river enjoying a “peaceful break.” Then we encountered two young ladies who had finished their jumbo-sized alcoholic drinks and were constantly vaping while floating. I had the sad opportunity to watch their decline. As my daughter and I floated, I heard them before I even floated by them. What I heard was an assortment of profanity. Every three words were filled with a splash of words that begin with consonants such as “B”, “F”, and “S”. The “F” word was used so often that everyone that went by them was taken back. It was loud and extreme!

So, we moved to the main pool… In a few minutes, our “Vaping” young women came over next to us again. The rate of their speech increased with each hour that went by. They cussed out people on the phone, in the pool, and everyone they discussed who lived on the planet. People had the most perplexed looks on their faces, and they cleared out of their way… quickly!

I can not quote them (due to their colorful interjections), but I will give you a synopsis of what I heard, “No one is going to tell me what I can or can not do!” Add about four expletives in that sentence, and that’s a wrap-up of the entire morning.

It was tragic on so many levels! So many young people die of “vaping,” and they were doing that constantly combined with alcohol for the entire time they were at the pool. I wondered how long until they would collapse or have a heart attack. They were like people ‘on speed,” racing to their demise and bringing demise to everyone they came in contact with…

They reminded me of the SIX WOES that God hates. Drunken mockery to the extreme and mean. Were they about to listen to anyone? They made it clear they would not!

However, I feel that these two would be considered “a mild case” in light of all the evil, profanity, killing, and rebellion when God’s people were warned that judgment was coming. God’s people forgot HIM in every way. They were a bad case of Road Rage headed for COLLISION, and God took his “Sheltering, Protective hands off” so that they could be disciplined in this life in time to consider ETERNITY in the next life!

In the book of Isaiah, we have heard him constantly speak judgment on God’s wayward children. Couldn’t there be another path that God could use for them besides JUDGMENT?

The answer is “Yes,” If you have been reading, you have seen his constant dealings with wayward, rebellious, raging children. They reminded me of these two hardhearted girls, only worse. Much Worse! He sent prophets, miracles, discipline, and every time they turned back to a life of DESTRUCTION.

Could a SOVEREIGN God not stop this? He certainly could! He could have taken away the free will of his creation, starting with Lucifer, who lived in a perfect heaven but wanted to be equal with God rather than honor or worship him, but that is contrary to His nature, will, and ways...

This, my friends, is the short and not sweet summary of the first half of the book of Isaiah. It is Judgement Time!

The rebellious and ungodly WILL be DISCIPLINED, and God's people will be DELIVERED! God's judgment comes from HIS Wisdom to bring repentance. (31:2)

We are now at a transition, a new road that will lead us in a new direction. Chapter 35 uses the term “Highway of Holiness.” It is not a literal highway but a description of a new road that God will be providing for his people that are HIS remnant.

There are three important things that we can learn about this new highway. You can read about this in Isaiah 35: 8-10.

First, this Highway is for the HOLY…Righteous, Redeemed, Remnant of God. The unclean will not journey on it. The wicked and foolish will not go on it.

Secondly, this Highway is a place of SAFETY.

Thirdly, this HIGHWAY is a place of JOY.

Help is on the way… The LORD himself will make a HIGHWAY of HOLINESS.

“The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD make straight in the desert a HIGHWAY for our God.” (Isaiah 40:3)

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Free to Run


(September 19)

Paul continues his conversation with the Galatians about freedom. In 5:1 he says, "For freedom Christ has set you free." What did he mean by this?

Christ gave us freedom from sin and freedom from the laws when he died on the cross for us. Because of his sacrifice, we are now free to do something that we couldn't do before ... live an unselfish life.

He goes on in the next verse to say, "Christ will be of no value to you at all." There are two very different approaches to being saved: trying to be saved by keeping the law and being saved by grace. If we are following the law, trying to "save" ourselves, then Christ cannot help us. It is only when we accept the grace of Jesus Christ that we find salvation. The hope is that because of this grace we experience, we will want to live unselfishly and do good for others. But we must always remember it is our faith that saves us, not our good works.

The false teachers were continuing to cause the Galatian believers to backtrack. Paul warns that God will certainly judge those who are teaching falsities to the believers.

Paul is warning them to be careful of who they listen to. The same applies to us today. There are those out there who would love to change your mind, turn your thoughts elsewhere, and guide you away from Christ. They are often disguised as "good people" or "smart people", or even "holy people."

Just like Paul trusted God back then, we need to also trust him to give us wisdom and discernment. We want to have the ability to distinguish between truth and falsity.

Ask God to help you keep a sharp eye out for trickery. Ask him to help you stay on course. He wants you to walk in your freedom. Actually, he wants you to feel free to RUN!

I AM FREE (Newsboys)

Through you the blind will see
Through you the mute will sing
Through you the dead will rise
Through you all hearts will praise
Through you the darkness flees
Through you my heart screams
I am free, yes, I am free

I am free to run (I am free to run)
I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
I am free to live for you (I am free to live for you)
I am free (I am free)
Yes, I am free (I am free)

Through you the kingdom comes
Through you the battle's won
Through you I'm not afraid
Through you the price is paid
Through you there's victory
Because of you my soul sings
I am free, yes, I am free

I am free to run (I am free to run)
I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
I am free to live for you (I am free to live for you)
I am free (I am free)
Yes, I am free (I am free)

Who the Son sets free
Is free indeed
Who the Son sets free
Is free indeed

I am free to run (I am free to run)
I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
I am free to live for you (I am free to live for you)
I am free (I am free)
Yes, I am free (I am free)

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Wisdom in Disaster

One Year Bible (Sep. 19)

Isaiah 30:12-33:9


“In HIS WISDOM the LORD will send great disaster…”

(Isaiah 31:2)

What would cause the sovereign God over the entire universe to bring Disaster, Discipline, and even Destruction to HIS OWN BELOVED children? That is a hard concept for us to wrap our heads around.

Yet, Isaiah pronounces these mind-bending words, “In HIS WISDOM the LORD will send great disaster…” (31:2) Have you ever experienced disaster, discipline, or a form of destruction and prayed, “Oh thank you LORD for your GREAT WISDOM today?”

We may say the word “God” in those instances but use it in a profane manner!

In Isaiah 28-33, there are SIX WOES that are being declared by Isaiah from the LORD to the leaders of Israel. The final woe is to their enemies. Today, we are going to take a peek at each of these woes and also look at another scripture that explains to us what the LORD despises and why HE hates these things…

WOE ONE: Drunken Mockery (28:1-29)

WOE TWO: Religious Hypocrisy (29:1-14)

WOE THREE: Attempting to Deceive God (29: 15-24)

WOE FOUR: Stubborn Rebellion (30: 1-33)

WOE FIVE: Failure to Trust (31: 1-32:20)

WOE SIX: Destructive Opposition (33:1-24; Written to Israel’s enemies)

Let’s look at the things that God despises or hates. When we use the word “HATE” it means that it is contrary and in opposition to HIS HOLY character. Because of HIS perfect Holiness and Justice, He can not associate with this kind of character as it is “anti-God”.

“There are SIX things the LORD hates-no, seven things He detests:

Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.” (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Do you see the very same theme running through this verse in Proverbs as in the SIX WOES given to the people through Israel?

Let’s look at the concept of MOCKERY. The older definition of this word is, “ludicrously futile action”. It is “making light of a person or other thing.”

Have you ever noticed how this trait is propelled by the state of “inebriation”?

In Isaiah, not only were the people doing all of the six--and even the seventh things that God HATES or DETESTS. But, they added fuel to the fire because they were doing these things in conjunction with idol worship, cultic celebration, and drunkenness.

They had literally sanctioned sin and turned it into “A PARTAY”…. We call that an Audacious Orgy! This was SIN on STEROIDS! Still, how is it the WISDOM of God to send a GREAT DISASTER?

“Though the LORD is very great and lives in heaven, he will make Jerusalem his home of justice and righteousness. IN THAT DAY, He will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of SALVATION, WISDOM, and KNOWLEDGE. The fear of the LORD will be your TREASURE.” (Isaiah 33:5-6)

The stage is being set for their SALVATION, but before that new foundation can come all the EVIL PROPS that hold them up must be stripped away. They don’t begin to know their need for rescue… just yet! Life for them is both COMFORTABLE and CORRUPT. They will be SOBER and experiencing SORROW soon enough.

Their Sin will turn to sorrow and their sorrow will lead them to a need for a savior…

You see, God is not interested in our momentary comfort or supportive of the corruption that leads us to eternal decay… He is working on a greater plan, and so…

“In HIS WISDOM the LORD will send great disaster…” (31:2)

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Children of Freedom

GALATIANS 3:23 - 4:31

(September 18)

I love that Paul uses Sarah and Hagar as an example in his explanation to the Galatians of the law vs. freedom through Christ.

If you remember, God had told Abraham and Sarah that they would conceive a child, even though they were older. Sarah laughed at the craziness of this, thinking she was far too advanced in years to conceive a child.

She wanted God's promise to come true for her husband, so she took it upon herself to make it happen. She set him up to sleep with Hagar, who did conceive a son. In Sarah's eyes, the promise was fulfilled.

But God meant what he said. Sarah became pregnant with a son herself. And when Isaac was born, there was some jealousy between the two boys. The older brother picked at him, and this made Sarah upset, so she sent him and his mother to the desert in exile.

Hagar is a representation of the law that was received at Mount Sanai. She was a slave just as the law enslaved the people. But Sarah is a representation of the freedom found in Christ.

Paul also points out the example of a father and his children. If the father dies a wealthy man, the children are left with a guardian and cannot attain that wealth until they become adults. In other words, they are enslaved in the situation until they are of age to have freedom to inherit the wealth.

Mankind was enslaved by the law. It was Christ who came and set us free. Because of his birth, death and resurrection, we do not live by the laws of old, but by the freedom we find in our relationship with Jesus.

Apparently, the Galatians, who once acted as if they were free in Christ, are now listening to the false teachers and condemning Paul for speaking of this freedom. These false teachers are doing their best to shut the Galatians off from Paul so they will listen only to their teachings.

Why should they want to live under the law when they could live in the freedom of Christ?

The same applies to us today. Why should we choose any other type of life, when we can live as Children of Freedom? Jesus offers us true freedom, the kind that is found only in our relationship with him. This freedom navigates our earthly life and draws us into our eternal life with hope and joy.

My friends, it doesn't get much better than that!

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

What He Says

One Year Bible (Sep. 18)

Isaiah 28:14-30:11

What He Says

“What the Sovereign LORD says…” (28:16)

The first half of the book of Isaiah is about “the Judgments of the LORD”.

My first questions today are about judgment and how this applies to us today.

First, we see that Isaiah does not just know “about the LORD”. He has experienced Him in the highest of heavens.

Secondly, we see that Isaiah is faced with his own “human sin”. He says, “Woe is me” and is humbled before he can speak to others of God’s judgment.

Thirdly, we see that Isaiah is willing to go for the LORD. “Here I am. Send me.”

Fourth, we notice that Isaiah only speaks the words given to him by the Lord.

Fifth, he sacrifices himself to walk through the town “naked and barefoot”.

Lastly, we see that Isaiah’s attitude is one of mourning for God’s people even in their sins as they face judgment. He is not haughty and happy about their punishment or suffering.

We also see that Isaiah’s words are confirmed and repeated at least 66 times in the New Testament. The prophecies given to him were established by God, the apostles, and others. The prophecies match, stand the test of time and are confirmed as truth.

We live in the last days when we are warned that there will be prophecies, but they will lead people astray from God’s WORDS. (Mark 13: 5-7, 21-23)

Notice that Isaiah begins with, What the Sovereign LORD says…” (28:16)

He submits his life and words to “The LORD of angel armies.”

Think about some people who claim to be prophets in our day. Do their words and actions match the words and actions of Isaiah? Do they point to God?

A popular teaching today is that everyone will prosper and be blessed, but none of the major or minor prophets in the Bible teach this. Nor, do they live in mansions or receive GAIN. In fact, the only mansion they will live in will be a heavenly one!

Today’s key passage is found in 29:13,14 and 16. They are rephrased in New Testament passages. Let’s take a closer look,

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.” (Mt. 15: 8,9; Mark 7: 6,7; Isaiah 29:13)

The Mark 7 version begins like this, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites… “As the Scriptures say, ‘I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.” (I Corinthians 1:19; Isaiah 29:14)

“No, don’t say that. Who are you, a mere human being, to argue with God? Should the thing that was made say to the one who created it, ‘Why have you made me like this?”

(Romans 9:20; Isaiah 29:16)

These are some powerful verses about judgment from a man who has been called to bear the extreme burden of delivering a message of condemnation and hope to God’s people who are in error… big time!

People that really belong to God don’t just “worship God in vain”. They worship him with all of their heart, soul, and mind. They obey, submit, and respond… How did he make decisions, and what can we learn from him today in the way that we walk?

Isaiah’s response to all situations was simply, “What He Says”...

“What the Sovereign LORD says…” (28:16)

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Rescued from the Curse


(September 17)

Have you ever rescued anyone from anything? Maybe you kept someone from saying something harmful or making a wrong choice that would've affected them negatively. Or perhaps you showed up just in the nick of time to keep someone from doing something harmful.

Or maybe you have actually saved a life? Twice in my life I have done CPR on a child. Once, it was on a teenager who had been hit by a vehicle and was literally not breathing, eyes open, staring into nothing. I will never forget that face. Another person and I continued CPR until the ambulance arrived and took over. They told us we saved his life.

Another time, it was a baby who had stopped breathing. Apparently, she had a seizure. I was so glad to hear that cry come out of her. Such relief!

The thing about both of those circumstances is that I did it automatically, without thinking about it. It was the natural thing to do. It was what was right in the situation.

Paul is sharing with the Galatians that they need to do the right thing and stop relying on the law. Relying on the law is going to condemn them because the law states that breaking even one commandment brings the curse of condemnation. Once condemned, there is no turning back. There is no forgiveness of sin, no grace, no compassion.

He leads them to the Scripture that says, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." To believe that the law is the way to righteousness is a curse they must get out from under.

Christ rescued us from the curse of the law when he hung on that cross, for your sins, for Paul's sins, for the sins of the Galatians, and for mine. He did this to take the punishment for our sins from us onto himself. Why? What is the catch?

The only "catch" to this act was that accept this death on our behalf as the means to our salvation. Paul reminds them of Habakkuk's declaration (Hab. 2:4), that by putting our trust in God, that he has forgiveness for our sins, and living in his power each day, we can break the curse of the old law.

So why did they have the law in the first place? On the good side, it showed the people the nature and will of God and how they should be living their lives. On the bad side, it pointed out their sins, showing them that it is impossible to live without sin, thereby impossible to obey every law. They would not be able to please God with their obedience.

When God made the promise to Abraham, it was centered around Abraham's faith. The promise focused on faith, whereas the law focused on actions. Faith is the only way to be saved. It doesn't wipe out the law, but as we realize more and more how sinful we are, we are driven to depend on our faith in Christ for our salvation.

That salvation is lifesaving. It is crucial. It is even more crucial than breathing air into someone else's lungs until they are able to breath on their own. It is its very own form of CPR ... Crucial, Powerful, Real.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The Shoes of Isaiah

One Year Bible (Sep. 17)

Isaiah 25:1-28:13

The Shoes of Isaiah

“LORD, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.” (26:8)

Can you in your wildest dreams imagine walking “In the shoes of Isaiah” preaching a message of judgment and upcoming prophecies to nations being disciplined by the LORD?

Actually, my question was not worded correctly as the LORD asked him to “remove his shoes and go naked through the town.”

Isaiah does exactly as the LORD asked of him and look at the words that he speaks to begin our passage today, “O LORD, I (Isaiah) will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things!” (25:1)

In the midst of the rubble around him he continues to speak life and hope, “But you are a tower of refuge to the poor, O LORD, a tower of refuge to the needy in distress. You are a refuge from the storm and a shelter from the heat. For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall or like relentless heat of the desert.” (25:4)

I live in the heat of the desert and it can be 113 degrees on some days. To be caught in the heat without cool water, shelter, and air conditioning is like being caught in a storm beating down on you. The storm that Isaiah is talking about, however, is brought on by oppressive acts or ruthless people… God is dealing with them and he has called Isaiah to stand, naked and barefoot in front of all the ungodly people to bring God’s words of judgment.

Can we begin to grasp the burden of being a prophet of God?

I don’t think we can begin to relate to the enormous calling that came with his “Vision in the heavenlies”. We all want the VISION, but would we want the burden of the VISION’S IMPLEMENTATION?

Have you heard the phrase, “Not my monkeys. Not my circus.”

It is a boundary statement that means “Not my problem. I don’t have to involve myself.”

Isaiah never got “Convenient Boundary Theories”. God’s boundary was his boundary. God’s calling was his obedience. That is not a popular theology today in our day…

Isaiah continues to point us to judgment and hope that will occur after God’s mighty cleaning, “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies will spread a WONDERFUL feast for all the people of the world. It will be a delicious banquet with clear, well-aged wine and choice meat. There he will remove the cloud of gloom, the shadow of death that hangs over the earth. He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign LORD will wipe away ALL tears. He will remove forever ALL insults and mockery against his land and people. The LORD has spoken.” (25:6-8)

Does this prophecy sound familiar? It should because we are told again about the banquet table of the LORD and how he will remove ALL tears… Justice and Mercy will one day reign and "in that day" we will understand more, but until then….

Today, I went down for a little “banquet”, actually it was a “free breakfast” at a hotel and I experienced insults and mockery before a single bite. All, I can say is that I would never want to be called to be a prophet. It is so stressful to deal with people that are not on a page of paper but right there in front of you spewing insults and mockery. This was Isaiah’s life… (and he was without clothes or shoes).

I don’t like conflict and I would certainly hate to be “In his shoes” (Or without shoes in his case).

My daughter and I went down to the breakfast buffet and the woman standing in front of me (for over 15 minutes) was berating the woman who was serving the food. She told the server that she was rude and that she should remember her order every day and on and on and on. She raised her voice and was swinging her arms in the air. Everyone in the room was “eyeing” this woman. The server that got a “Heaping Helping of Unhelpful Hash” just bowed her head and said “Okay” and she tried her best to get everything the woman ORDERED. The server spoke Spanish and was trying her best.

I remained silent for a very long time., (Not my monkeys. Not my circus.) I even physically took two steps back. Every fiber in my being hates conflict, but my heart hurts even more for bullies.

Then came the moment… The unhinged woman turned to me and started berating the woman serving her and telling me “How rude this server was and how she couldn’t get anything right”. This was after her 15-minute unleashing…

I looked at the woman in response to her comments to me and said, “I only see one person being rude here today and it isn’t her”, and then turned to the server and thanked her for her patience and service. The manager of the hotel showed up around then and this woman tried to get the server fired… I put in a positive word for the server to the manager. Insults and mockery hurt!

The prophet, Isaiah, dealt with evil, insults, and mockery day in and day out while walking through the streets naked and barefoot bearing the LORD’s message.

Look again at his words and let them sink in, “LORD, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to GLORIFY YOUR NAME.” (26:8)

These words are the mark of a true prophet, Walking in “The Shoes of Isaiah” ...

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore

Law vs. Grace

GALATIANS 2:17 - 3:9

(September 16)

In a further attempt to squelch the argument that Gentiles had to first become Jews before they could become Christians, Paul exposes the flaw in this argument by reminding the people of Galatia that it is FAITH that gives you your salvation in Christ, not the LAW.

There was no way for man to meet all the requirements detailed in the law. That is why Christ died for our sins. It is through grace that we are saved. If this weren't true, what would have been the purpose of Christ dying on the cross?

If this were not true, what would be the purpose of the Holy Spirit? It is through receiving the Holy Spirit that new life can start within us. That is when God can begin to work miracles in your life. All because of your faith ... because you BELIEVE!

Paul reminds them of Abraham, and the faith he had in God. God saw the righteousness in Abraham through his faith. That is why the REAL children of Abraham are the ones filled with faith, not obedience to the law. Just as Abraham was saved by faith, so are all who believe, from every nation and every age.

What a great heritage for us today. What a solid foundation this gives us for living our lives for Christ, not for the law. We, as believers filled with faith, get to share in the same blessing Abraham received.

Our hope does not come from being obedient to the Law of Moses. Our hope comes from the assurance that God is our Father and Jesus is our Savior, and because of this, our sins are forgiven, and we are granted eternal life with him.

Is this what you put your hope in each day? Do you trust in the Lord with all your heart? Do you rest in the assurance that you will meet him face to face someday?

Even if that hope you have is still a little uncertain, and you are still trying to strengthen your faith, don't worry. God's Word tells us that faith even the size of a mustard seed can move mountains. We all have to start somewhere. And once we start with that small seed, we water it and nurture it, watching it grow into something beautiful and solid.

But it all starts with that first tiny seed ... that first little step away from the law and into faith. That is what Paul wanted the Galatians to understand, and it is the same thing God wants US to understand today.

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

Marching Orders

One Year Bible (Sep. 16)

Isaiah 22:1-24:23

Marching Orders

Yesterday we learned that God is “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies”. You will see this phrase over and over again today.

How are you with taking “Marching Orders”?

I have a GPS and when driving on strange freeways through Southern California she’s the Boss! Sometimes, however, she is a LOSER! I call her Alexa just so I don’t get confused with who I am talking with, but in any case, I lack confidence in the orders that she gives me.

Take today, for example, I was driving from Palm Springs to Rancho Santa Margarita and I wanted to catch a Toll Road as a shortcut. I have my transponder to handle my fee, and I was prepared… My GPS has a habit of telling me things like “turn right ahead”, but she doesn’t bother to tell me the name of the street. I have talked over and over to Alexa about this, but she “digs in her heels” and I would like to “dig up her heels and bury her!

I was on the far left side of the freeway with white posts in between me and the rest of the freeway (No crossing. No exit. No way out!) So, I waved “bye-bye” to my exit which was to the far right about five lanes over…. Ughhh. Lost in the woods again! I did not intend to miss the correct freeway, but I was on my way to a whole new adventure!

I guess you could say that confidence in the one who is giving the “Marching Orders” is vital!

Our highways today are much different than those of Isaiah’s times, but they were the same in many ways as well.

In Isaiah’s day, the issue with the people was that they liked to take shortcuts as well… They jumped on the “Hedonism Toll Road”. This is the pursuit of pleasure; sensual self-indulgence. Their philosophy was that satisfaction of desires is the highest good and aim of human life. They found life’s meaning in getting as much pleasure out of the world as possible.

They worshipped the idols that promised enhanced pleasure and sexuality. In fact, they offered their own babies on the altar so that they could be blessed. This was an abomination to God, their maker, and it would not go unpunished.

How much different is the Toll Road that we choose to take today for our shortcut to pleasure?

I just read a scathing post on social media where a woman was saying, “ I have my rights to abortion and no man is going to tell me what I can do with my body.” That’s the cleaned-up version leaving out her expletives.

Ronald Reagan once said, “I see that the only one supporting abortion is already born.” You've got to admit, he made a good point!

Everyone has a choice of what to do with their body, and the choice that many make is to do whatever they want and then to choose whatever is most "convenient" for them…

The theme, "My body, My Choice" is nothing new... Just ask the people in Isaiah's time...

We seem to prefer PLEASURE, not Marching ORDERS...

Please, note that their nation gave the people permission to pursue their polytheistic pleasures. The problem with their thinking and lifestyle is that God did not!

Listen to Isaiah 22:13, Instead, you dance and play… Let’s feast and drink for tomorrow we die.” This same passage is restated in I Corinthians 15:32, “If the dead are not raised, ‘Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die.”

Today’s passage reminds us of two choices: 1) Living for Today-- ENJOYMENT or 2) Living for Tomorrow--ETERNITY.

God is NOT political and he doesn’t change to be politically correct. Instead, HE CORRECTS POLITICS!

The book of Isaiah is all about ENTIRE NATIONS being brought down by The Lord of Angel Armies!

He takes away kingdoms and hands them to another for gain or for punishment at HIS discretion for his purposes. We see in 22:19 that Eliakim will be replacing Shebna. Listen to this passage as it will also be restated in the book of Revelation with greater meaning.

“I will give him the KEY to the house of David--the highest position in the royal courts. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.” (22:22)

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” (Revelation 3:7)

These passages were written hundreds of years apart from each other. Pretty amazing, Isn't it?

Have you heard of the tradition of giving a KEY TO A CITY to an important hero or dignitary through an elaborate ceremony to honor them? That honor will only belong to Jesus Christ not to man and with it comes the power of life and death... Shut or Open!

The God of Angel Armies is in CHARGE! He opens and shuts doors and holds the key of David (the lineage of Jesus). He accomplishes His purpose, plan, and promises, and no enemy of God can thwart HIM.

You see, the problem with MARCHING ORDERS is that a lot of people are listening to the wrong voice, and choosing the road of self-pleasure and pride rather than worship and praise.

Another Timely and Timeless message from Isaiah…Who are you serving?

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Betty Predmore Betty Predmore



(September 15)

My former mother-in-law is such a little cutie. She is all of 5 feet (maybe an inch or so more). As she has aged, she has developed such a funny disposition. She has this little thing she does when she makes a mistake. She just shakes her head and says "OOPSIE!"

It is funny, so funny that we are all doing it. I can't tell you how many times I have messed up at something and said, "OOPSIE!" When I mess up, it is usually not on purpose, but simply a mistake.

But Paul catches Peter in an "OOPSIE" that doesn't appear to be a mistake.

Paul speaks of a time when he, Barnabas and Titus returned to Jerusalem, as they had been prompted to go by God. Paul met privately with the leaders of the church and shared with them the message he had been preaching to the Gentiles, just to make sure they were in agreement, and he wasn't wasting his time.

They supported his message and had nothing more to add to what he was already doing. They realized the responsibility God had given to Paul to preach to the Gentiles. James, Peter and John also saw him as a co-worker, and encouraged the continued work of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles.

Peter went to Antioch, and that is where Paul called him out on his "OOPSIE." When Peter first arrived, he had no problem eating with the Gentiles, even though they were not circumcised. Later, some friends of James came along, and Peter changed his position. He would no longer eat with the Gentiles. He didn't want to be criticized by these people.

This caused the other Jewish believers to follow his lead. Even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy. Paul confronted Peter in front of all of them.

"Since you, a Jew by birth, have discarded the Jewish laws and are living like a Gentile, why are you now trying to make these Gentiles follow the Jewish traditions?"

He goes on to say, "You and I are Jews by birth, not 'sinners' like the Gentiles. Yet we know that a person is made right with God by faith in Jesus Christ, not by obeying the law. And we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we might be made right with God because of our faith in Christ, not because we have obeyed the law. For no one will ever be made right with God by obeying the law."

Even though Peter was a leader of the church, Paul felt that he was acting like a hypocrite. While Peter knew better, he was driven by fear of what James and the others would think.

Does this sound familiar? How often are our own actions based on the fear of what someone might think? We know what is right and true, yet we bend that a little, or ignore it all together, for the sake of what others think.

That is one of the reasons Christian accountability is so important in our lives. We need to surround ourselves with people of the faith who are not afraid to call us out whenever we have a moment of "OOPSIE!"

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Debbie Sempsrott Debbie Sempsrott

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies

One Year Bible (Sep. 15)

Isaiah 19:1-21:17

The LORD of Heaven’s Armies

One of the main themes of the book of Isaiah is found in Isaiah 12:2, “Behold, God is my Salvation. I will trust and not be afraid.”

The book of Isaiah can be a very frightening book, especially if you are on the wrong side. This book has been called a small version of the book of Revelation.

Have you noticed the similarities?

In the book of Revelation, while John is in exile on the island of Patmos he is “caught Up” into the heavenly assembly of Heaven on The Lord’s Day. There he received visions with admonitions for the churches.

In the same manner, Isaiah, Hosea, and Jeremiah delivered the same kind of admonitions of judgment in the Old Testament against nations that have broken covenant with God.

The book of Revelation has 348 allusions which are traceable by verbal and contextual information that is related to the Old Testament.

Remember my phrase, “Follow the breadcrumbs!” The Word of God is linked together. Through prophecy, the Old Testament points to the upcoming of the Messiah in the New Testament, and the New Testament points to the prophecies fulfilled from the Old Testament.

Only God can connect people that are hundreds of years apart with His sovereign message.

Isaiah was given this message through a vision in the throneroom of God, and John was also transported into that throne room.

In order for us to follow the “Big Picture,” we need to follow important terminology. The term “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies” is a really BIG theme! You might want to highlight this phrase every time you see it…

This phrase is used 300x in the Old Testament. “Jehovah Sabaoth” is the root, and “God of Hosts” is also a translation.

His Might. His Authority. His Victory.

This term is one that refers to Spiritual Warfare and God’s Spiritual Authority overall.

We read of all the nations that Isaiah is giving the Judgment of God. He weeps over their demise, but he also tells us of rejoicing of the spared in the midst of all of this destruction. He is speaking of people that are rebellious and will be receiving destruction and of those that are a remnant of faith that God will rescue. The two groups are very different!

In the midst of all of these revelations, he gave us an insight into “The Star of the Morning”, Lucifer, who wanted to be equal with God and he warns of his demise.

All of this message is tied together… Spiritual Warfare!

If we miss this concept we will miss what this book is about. God will destroy evil. It will not stand!

He also will rescue HIS people, recall them as a Remnant, and then Redeem them at the appointed time through Jesus Christ.

There is a song that uses this theme, “The God of angel armies is always by my side.”

My daughter and I love this song by Chris Tomlin. During one of her very long hospital stays (2 months) after hip surgery, we sang this song every night before she would go to sleep. Why? Every day was filled with terror, loneliness, and pain. This song asks the question, “Whom shall I fear?” We asked that question a LOT!

You hear me when I call. You are my morning song. Though darkness fills the night. It can not hide the light.”

Notice that this promise given throughout the Bible was available for God’s chosen people that were called to His purpose and plan. The book of Isaiah makes that so plain to see. Judgment will come to the enemies of God… from the top on down. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be his enemy or give His enemy any room to roam in my life.

“You crush the enemy underneath my feet. You are my sword and shield …Though troubles linger still… Whom shall I fear?” (Chris Tomlin, Whom Shall I Fear)

Listen to the end of today’s passage when the LORD spoke to Isaiah, “Take off the burlap (a sign of mourning) you have been wearing and remove your sandals.” Isaiah did as he was told, and he walked around naked and barefoot. (Oh my! What a horrendous calling as a prophet!) This was a symbol of the terrible troubles coming to the wicked who had not heeded God’s warning.

We live in a day and age of great spiritual battles, and it often brings terror to our hearts. There is only one safe place to hide… “The God of Angel Armies is always on my side.”

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