An Equal Inheritance
(September 24)
There are so many things that are passed down through the generations. I think of some of my most treasured possessions ... pieces of crystal, figurines, jewelry, and other sweet things that once belonged to family members who came before me. If you are like me, you are sentimental about things like that.
There are also other things that can be passed down. Things that are not so pleasant... illness and disease, mental issues, anger, abuse, and dysfunction. Those are things we don't like to think about, but it happens every day.
In today's portion of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he is addressing something else that can now be passed down through the generations, thanks to the gifting God gave him. Because of the calling on his life, he was able to share the Good News not just with the Jews, but also with the Gentiles.
This allowed the generations to come, both Jew and Gentile, to pass this knowledge down and share equally in the riches of the inheritance that we receive as God's children. This inheritance allows us to approach God boldly and confidently without fear.
Paul also talks about being a prisoner for Christ Jesus. He meant this literally. he had been imprisoned in Rome for preaching about Jesus. The religious leaders felt threatened by him, so they pressured the Romans to arrest him and have him brought to trial for treason and for causing rebellion amongst the Jews. Paul was under arrest and being held prisoner, but his view that God was in control did not waiver.
This was important for the Ephesians to know, just as it is important for us to know. If not for his willingness to suffer, the Ephesians would not have heard the Good News. Paul endured that pain so that new believers would come to Christ.
That sacrificial type of life brought many new believers. And those beliefs were passed down from generation to generation, which is why we are believers today.
Because of this, today we can all have an equal inheritance in the Kingdom of God, despite our upbringing, our nationality, our race, our economic situation, or our past sins.
What a wonderful inheritance that is for believers everywhere!! My heart wants to shout a humble and sincere "thank you" to Paul for his willingness to endure trials for the sake of the Gospel. My hope is that someday I get to thank him face-to-face.