A Constant Battle
(September 20)
It can be so frustrating raising teenagers! They bicker and quarrel endlessly. It is a constant battle to get them to treat each other with respect. It is a constant battle to get them to put their shoes where they belong or make their beds. The battle never ends when it comes to putting away the electronics and spending some family time.
It's not that they don't KNOW what to do; it's that they CHOOSE not to do what they should do. And we, the parents, are left feeling frustrated and wondering why they make the choices they make.
Hmmm... did we ever stop to consider that is just how GOD feels when we make the poor choices in life that we, without fail, make time and time again? Those are the times we choose our sinful nature over what is right.
Paul speaks to the Galatians about this in his letter. He has given them so much to think about when it comes to their freedom as believers. But now he is warning them not to use that freedom to satisfy their sinful nature. The freedom they have is to be used to serve one another in love. He reminds them that "loving your neighbor as yourself" is a part of the greatest of all the commandments.
How do we avoid living out our freedom through sinful choices? By letting the Holy Spirit, which we gained when we accepted Christ into our hearts, be the guide of our lives. This Holy Spirit, when listened to, will give us the desire to do good, not the desire to sin that comes from the enemy.
This "good and bad" is a constant battle within us, but we don't have to be defeated into letting the enemy win. The Holy Spirit offers us the strength to turn away from the evil and ugly choices and make choices that are pleasing to God.
When sin has control, it is evident through what happens in our lives: "sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outburst of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these." (Verse 19-21)
But when we let the Holy Spirit be our guide, it produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." (Verse 22-23)
Paul reminds them that they are now living by the Spirit, because Jesus took their sins at the cross. So, since they are living BY the Spirit, they should also FOLLOW the Spirit in all areas of their lives.
The same applies to us. If we have accepted Christ into our hearts, our sins have been forgiven and the Holy Spirit has taken up residence within us. Let us follow that Spirit's lead in our actions and behavior.
We all need the fruits that this produces. And if we are raising teenagers, we might need a little extra of that fruit called patience!