Ten Steps Back
One Year Bible (Sep. 21)
Isaiah 37:1-38:22
Ten Steps Back
Do you find it interesting that we are reading about nations and kings and the downfalls that come with their pride, disobedience, and idolatry?
Just recently the FBI raided a former President’s residence which is unprecedented in the history of our nation.
In fact, you can not go for a single day without hearing evidence about crimes involving political people on both sides of the aisle. Few are ever investigated and some are covered up… for a season.
Do you notice that God didn’t immediately overthrow nations? Much of the time they went on repeating the same atrocities for years.
No, God didn’t change nations, but he eventually Judged them.
He did change people, though. He called the righteous, redeemed, remnant people to change the fabric of Israel’s history so that HE could send the Messiah.
I love the word, REMNANT. It was the chosen, holy piece of the cloth. God has never needed large numbers; instead, He is the POWER and HE uses the CALLED.
In our study of Kings, we looked at King Hezekiah’s story. You might want to go back and review what we discussed. God did remarkable things!
Today we want to look at the bigger picture, however. King Hezekiah was part of the “GREATER STORY”. He was part of the REMNANT’S REDEMPTION.
As we study THIS nation, I want us to think about OUR nation and how God can work in the midst of the MESS for a greater purpose.
First, when King Hezekiah was threatened by his enemies and all looked lost, what did he do with the bad news?
“After Hezekiah received the letter from the messengers and read it, he went up TO THE LORD’s Temple and SPREAD IT OUT BEFORE THE LORD.” (37:14)
Our nation is in a tremendous spiritual battle as well. Churches come out for potlucks, but is there a large interest and participation in prayer?
Are we spreading out our needs before the LORD?
Do you know how God “took out” Hezekiah’s enemy?
The king's own sons brought that king’s demise!
When we pray, God can turn the enemy upon itself!
Not only did God handle his enemy, but he also handled Hezekiah’s illness and gave him fifteen more years because Hezekiah pled before the LORD.
Do you know how God promised Hezekiah that he would take care of his needs for the safety and future of his nation?
“And this is the sign from the LORD to prove that he will do as he promised: I will CAUSE THE SUN’S SHADOW TO MOVE TEN STEPS BACKWARD ON THE SUNDIAL. So, the SUNDIAL MOVED BACKWARD TEN STEPS.” (38:7-8)
“Now, O LORD our God, resume us from his power; then all the kingdoms of the earth will know that you alone, O LORD, are God.” (37:20)
And so we humbly pray with heavy hearts, “O LORD OF HEAVEN’S ARMIES, we need to take TEN STEPS BACK!