Grace That is Greater Than All Our Sins
(September 23)
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace,
Grace that is greater than all our sin! (Julia H. Johnston)
Aren't you so glad for God's grace? It looks past every ugly thing we think, say, and do. This grace offers us hope when we feel hopeless because of our choices. It offers us life when we feel the darkness of death looming.
God's grace overpowers all the work Satan tries to do in us and to us. And this has been a battle that has been going on from the beginning. This is what Paul is speaking about in today's passage.
Paul referred to Satan as 'the ruler of the kingdom and the air." He rules with the demons and those who are against Christ. Gratefully, Christ won victory over Satan and his power through the resurrection. Satan is only a temporary ruler and only to those who choose to follow him. To those who choose to follow Christ, Satan has no authority.
Paul reminds the believers that they were once dead because of their disobedience, living in sin and obeying Satan. But God gave new life through the resurrection of Jesus, having great mercy and grace in saving those who would call on his name. What a great example of grace this was, and still is.
We are not saved because we are "good people" or do "good things". It is only by God's grace that we find that salvation.
In verse 2:14 he talks about the "middle wall of partition." This is the barrier people build between themselves. Christ destroyed this wall so that we can have real unity with people who are not like us. He did this by dying, making us all one, all having access to the Father through the Holy Spirit.
In verse 2:17-18, he mentions "those who were far off" and "those who were near". The Jews were near to God because they already had knowledge of him through Scriptures and their worship in religious ceremonies. The Gentiles were far away because they had very little knowledge of God. Both needed to hear about salvation through Christ, because neither group could be saved by their good deed or knowledge. Because of Jesus, both groups were free to come to God through Christ.
Do you stop and think about this often? Does your heart fill with gratitude at the grace God showers on you each day? Are you overwhelmed by his goodness? Does this bring you peace?
It is Christ who brings us peace, and allows us to experience grace, grace, God's grace. Take a moment and thank him for that beautiful gift.