Spiritual Wisdom
(September 22)
As we begin Paul's letter to the Ephesians, this first portion is his greeting to this group of believers who have been redeemed in Christ. It is his prayer to them that they will live their lives with spiritual wisdom.
Ephesus was a commercial, political, and religious center for all of Asia Minor. It was one of the five major cities in the Roman Empire, and the temple of the Greek goddess Artemis was located there.
At this time, Paul had been a Christian for nearly 30 years. He had taken three missionary trips and had established churches all around the Mediterranean Sea.
Paul wrote Ephesians while under house arrest in Rome. He had stayed in Ephesus for almost three years during his last missionary trip. He had also met at a later date again with the elders of the church.
This letter was his attempt at giving them deep training about nurturing and maintaining unity within the church. He felt this was crucial information, and he had to write to them because he couldn't go to them due to his imprisonment.
It is thought that this letter went to Ephesus, and then was sent to other churches in the area. It was meant as a general teaching, mentioning no specific problems or situations, and with no specific personal greeting.
This letter reminds the reader of the spiritual blessings received by being united with Christ and the great love God had shown by sending Jesus. He also speaks about the glorious grace that was, and is, poured out on those who belong to Christ.
Paul tells them that God has a plan and a purpose. At the right time, everything in heaven and on earth will be brought together under the authority of Christ. Those who are united with Christ will receive a rich inheritance from God. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of this, and because of this, praise and glory should be given to God.
Paul expresses his thankfulness for their strong faith in the lord and their love for God's people. He assures them that he prays for them constantly: for their hearts to be flooded with the light of understanding so they will know the confident hope that he gives to those he calls, and for a true understanding of the greatness of God's power for all who believe in him.
In essence, he prays constantly for these believers to have spiritual wisdom. I am sure that if Paul were with us today, his incessant prayer would continue to be for us to all have spiritual wisdom ... to know the greatness of the power of our God and to put our hope and our faith in him and him alone.
When we are able to do this, we are united and can stand strong against the attacks of the enemy. When we stand united as a body, that body is made complete by Jesus, who is the head over all who believe.
Consider this ... do you feel as if you have a united body of believers around you, who will help you fend off the enemy's attacks? Are you that person for someone else?
This is the calling God puts on our lives as believers. This is what creates unity and strength among us. Ask for strength from others when you need it. And be that strength for someone in their time of need.
By doing so, we honor and please God, and we show the world what it means to have spiritual wisdom.