Parting of the Ways

ACTS 15: 36- 16:15 (June 24)

Have you ever had a "parting of the ways" with someone you had spent a great deal of time with? Maybe it is a spouse, a friend, relative, or co-worker. Whatever the situation and whoever the person is, it is not a fun time, and can be hard on the heart.

Paul and Barnabas had spent a lot of time together. They were friends and fellow apostles. They were missionaries together for Christ. They complimented each other with their gifts and calling and God used them greatly to grow his Kingdom.

But sometimes, there is a parting of ways, even in what seems to be a perfect pairing. While they both agreed to return to all the cities they had previously preached in and see how the new believers were doing, they did NOT agree on taking John Mark along. Barnabas wanted to bring him, but Paul was dead set against it.

And there you have it, one disagreement that is so volatile it causes a separation of two servant hearts.

Barnabas took John Mark and went one way. Paul chose Silas as his companion and went another way. Thus marked an end of an era for this dynamic duo.

Paul came across Timothy in Lystra. He was the son of a Jew and a Greek, and Paul heard he was well thought of by the believers. He arranged for Timothy to be circumcised, because he knew that the Jews knew Timothy was not circumcised, and Paul didn't want them to have any reason not to listen to the message.

Town to town they went, giving the believers some rules to live by, such as respecting the decisions made by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. The churches grew and strengthened in their faith.

They traveled on to other places and one night Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia (Northern Greece) pleading with him to come to Macedonia and help them. So off they went to Macedonia.

While there, they met some women who were gathered at the riverbank. One woman, Lydia, was dressed in expensive purple cloth and said she worshipped God. She listened to the apostles as they preached, and she and her entire household ended up getting baptized She invited the apostles to be her guests in her home, saying, "If you agree that I am a true believer in the Lord, come and stay at my home." They believed she was a true believer, so they stayed with her.

The parting of ways between Paul and Barnabas was not a pleasant situation, but God used it for his purposes. He is so good at bringing good from the ugliness of life.

The same can be said for our own situations. Sometimes we find ourselves in an ugly situation with someone, but God is still there. He will take our ashes and make something very lovely with them if we remain faithful, even in our parting of ways.

Betty Predmore

Betty Predmore is a writer, blogger, speaker and ministry leaders. She is the founder of Mom-Sense, Inc., a ministry designed for mentorship, connection and service to women of all life circumstances. Through this ministry, women are encouraged and supported with scripture and life application. Mom-Sense helps women overcome life struggles through small group classes with biblical curriculum, individual counseling, bible studies, and other areas of support.

Betty also directs the Imperial Valley Life Center, which is a non-profit faith-based pro life women’s resource center. She has a passion for saving the unborn and supporting mothers through pregnancy and motherhood.

Betty loves to speak at events, sharing the love of Jesus with other women. She does this through practical life application mingled with God’s word, and sprinkled with humor. Having experienced a broken home, divorce, abuse, grief, single motherhood, blended families, and adoption, she uses the broken places and movement of God in her own life to share His word in an inspiring way. She enjoys sharing her blogs on social media as a way of reaching out on a broader spectrum. Betty has many speaking topics which can be found on her website:

As an author, she has had the opportunity to impact women and reach deep into their hearts with her words of inspiration and encouragement. Through Pondering Virtue and Whispered Grace, she has created wonderful tools for the woman who is seeking direction in her spiritual walk.

Betty serves on the writing team of A Wife Like Me, and is also a contributor to Moms Encouraging Moms and Gift of Thorns. Her blogs have appeared in several magazine publications throughout the years including Southern Faith Magazine, Purposeful Life, and Aspiring Woman Magazine.

While Betty thrives on her ministry opportunities, her greatest blessings come from being a wife to Jim and a mama to their wonderful collection of children, who bring joy, laughter, and an occasional tear to her days.


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