Miracle of Miracles!
One Year Bible (June 24)
2 Kings 6:1-7:20
“Miracle of Miracles”
“Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles”.
Perhaps you may remember these words from a song in the Jewish musical, Fiddler on the Roof. I love how their heritage flows into the most important parts of their lives. This song is sung by Motel after Tevye extends permission for him to marry his daughter. He sees the miracles of God throughout all of Israelite history as touching his life with blessing.
Today’s story is all about Wonders and Miracles…Let’s pick up where we left off in yesterday’s passage by looking at the SEVEN (x2) MIRACLES.
Perhaps you may recall that The First Age of Miracles was during the time of Moses when God delivered ‘The Ten Commandments to the people and set them free from slavery to worship Him.
The Second Age of Miracles was during the days of Elijah/Elisha. These miracles were to prove the Lord is the True God to Israel who has fallen into IDOL Worship and has become a divided kingdom due to the sins of their kings.
Elijah captured our attention because he was a “larger than life” character who went to heaven in a “Chariot of Fire’.
The miracles that came through his ministry were MIRACULOUS and ASTOUNDING!
But, did you know that Elisha did TWICE AS MANY miracles as Elijah? Is that surprising to you as you reflect upon the fact that Elisha asked for a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit?
Elijah is known for 7 MIRACLES while Elisha is known for 14 (SEVEN X2 MIRACLES). (The Midrash says Elijah did 8 miracles while Elisha did sixteen. So have fun counting for yourself.)
As you are reading today’s passages you are seeing miracle after miracle being performed. Many seem very familiar with the days of Elijah. He was a good Mentor and Elisha was a good Student.
Today’s message is filled with the number SEVEN.
Interesting, isn’t it? Did you know that the number SEVEN means “Fullness/Completion” or “Perfection” in the Bible?
Perhaps you recall that on the SEVENTH DAY God rested because HIS work was “COMPLETE” or “FINISHED”.
God always COMPLETES what HE begins…
In today’s passage, we see that God used the prophet, Elisha, to bring Healing to the Hurting, and Humility to the Haughty.
However, prophets not only brought “Blessings” to the people who repented and sought God, but they also brought “Curses” to those who rebelled or sinned against God, like Gehazi, Elisha’s Sneaky Servant.
Look at the words that Elisha spoke to Gehazi about his “secret sin”. “Don’t you realize that I was there in spirit when Naaman stepped down from his chariot to meet you?” (5:26)
This verse is quite a nugget to ponder! Wow! Elisha is letting him know that God’s power in him allowed him to be there “In Spirit” to see Naaman in his sin. This is a powerful thing for us to take note of in this passage!
This warning reminds me of the warning in the New Testament when Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Spirit. What is hidden By man is not hidden From God’s Spirit! Gehazi was working as an assistant to the man of God, but was taking advantage of his calling!
The result was a “Cursing”, not a “Blessing”. The leprosy that had afflicted Naaman is now bestowed on Gehazi, and his DESCENDANTS! (5: 27)
Did you get that? His sin brought this disease of leprosy on HIS DESCENDANTS also!!
In this time period, before the age of grace, people were dealt with as a nation and as an entire clan/family.
I don’t know about you, but I am so thankful that we live under the age of grace. Jesus changed how we are treated by HIS grace that has paid the penalty for our sins and He sees us as "whosoever will may come" to me without partiality.
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)
Wonder of Wonders! Miracle of Miracles!!
Unlike Gehazi, Elisha didn’t ask for worldly honor or for a high place among men. What he desired was a larger measure of the Holy Spirit in his life like God had bestowed on Elijah had bestowed. God honored his request with a “Double Portion”.
Elisha’s name in Hebrew means, “God is Salvation”. His name is only mentioned once in the New Testament, “Elisha or Elisaios” in Luke 4:27 where it reminds us that ONLY Naaman was healed of leprosy by Elisha, although many others had that disease.
Elisha’s ministry was filled with signs, miracles, proclamations, and warnings. He would be known as the prophet of peace and healing with a “Double Portion” of God’s anointing.
Seven Sneezes. Seven Submersions. Seven (x2) Miracles...
And now you know "The rest of the story"!
“Wonder of Wonders. Miracle of Miracles! …“Mazel Tov!” (Fiddler on the Roof)