Like Father, Like Son
One Year Bible (June 25)
2 Kings 8:1-9:13
“I got a name, I got a name. And I carry it with me like my daddy did…”(I Got a Name, By Jim Croce)
Old Song. Powerful Message. Familiar Tune.
I can still hear this song from the ’70s in my head as I am reflecting on this passage. The funny thing is that we not only hear the songs that playback in our memories, we often act out what has been imprinted on our hearts and minds… For good or for evil. Today’s powerful message reminds us of this truth as we see it from positive and negative angles.
Have you ever wondered, “When will we quit blaming the parents for the sins of the children?” That’s a good question, isn’t it?
Have you noticed these repeated phrases while reading through I and 11 Kings, “Just as his father did”, “Following the example of his father”, or “They did evil in the sight of God like their father before them”?
Sad to say, but the old record player seems to be stuck playing these lyrics over and over again, “I got a name. I got a name. And I carry it with me like my daddy did…”
How interesting that we are studying this passage right at the time of year that we remember our fathers. Perhaps, we need to take a close look at “What is TAUGHT and what is CAUGHT.”
Today’s passage introduces two characters to us, Hazael (King of Aram) and Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat (King of Israel) The King of Ben-hadad lay sick and so he sent Hazael to speak to the man of God, Elisha. He wants to know if he will get well again. Elisha gives a very weird response to Hazael, “Go and tell him, ‘You will surely recover.’ But actually the Lord has shown me that he will surely die”.
Then Elisha fixed his gaze uncomfortably on Hazael and then began to weep. Awkward! What was all of that about?
Elisha saw something “in the spirit”. I am sure that he did not want to see the images that came before his eyes as they were dreadful and brought him to tears. He told Hazael that he knew the terrible things that he would do to the people of Israel. Not only that, but his sad prophecy came true on both accounts.
Hazael went home and told the king what was said and then soaked a blanket in the water and held it over the king’s face until he died. Sadly, he was the new, evil king of Aram.
Next, Elisha has another message to deliver and he uses his young speedy servant to deliver this message. He is to find Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat and pour oil over his head and anoint him as King over Israel. This messengers’ assignment was pretty straightforward, “Get ready to travel. Anoint the next king. Run for your life.” (2 Kings 9.1-3)
Oh, and one more little thing before “running like the wind”, he is to give him a little message. Jehu’s mission as the new king is to wipe out ALL of the family of Ahab and his descendants to avenge the murder of the prophets of the Lord.
Now it’s time to go. GOTTA RUN!!!!
God isn’t looking for perfect fathers, by the way! We had David as a great example of a man after God’s own heart, and he made some really bad mistakes. Here is the defining line. He loved and worshiped the ONE TRUE GOD! God forgave David, but when David sinned against the Lord, he caused great pain that affected his family and all of his descendants. Tragic!
The children’s eyes follow the “FOCUS” of their fathers!
We will end our time today by looking back at the beginning of the 2 Kings 8:4. “Greedy Gehazi” (prophet’s assistant turned leper) was talking with the king as the mother of the boy that was raised from death walked in to see about getting her land back.
The King asks Gehazi, “Tell me some stories about the great things Elisha has done.” (18:4) Gehazi immediately tells the King about the raising of this woman’s son from the dead. Remember, Gehazi and the SEVEN SNEEZIES??? The King was impressed and took care of all of this woman’s needs.
Elisha is nearing the end of his time as a prophet as we will soon see, but his words, kindness, and the gift of hope will live on… (Even through Gehazi’s words.)
There were 14 major miracles. (not to mention miraculous prophecies that came true.) Let’s look back down memory lane: Elisha divided the Jordan River, Purified the bad waters, cursed the jeering young men, (Hey Baldy!), predicts a miracle victory, multiplies a widow’s oil, promises a pregnancy, raises a dead son, makes poison stew edible, multiplied loaves of bread, cures leprosy (and passes it on to Gehazi), makes an ax-head float, traps a Syrian Army, shows his servant an angel army, and predicts food for a besieged city. (3 Kings 2-7) There were other amazing prophesies that he predicted as well.
Elisha followed in the footsteps of his “spiritual father”, and out of wisdom he asked for a “double portion” of his power and it was given to him by God. Every son and daughter has a choice.
Elisha CHOSE to pick up the mantle!
Perhaps I should tell you the rest of the story about the song, "I Got a Name" By Jim Croce. It was the first single on his album and it was released on September 20, 1973… the day after his death in a plane crash!
Oh, friends, life is short… may we all choose well!
Like Father Like Son...“I got a name, I got a name. And I carry it with me like my daddy did…”