The Mercy Seat
One Year Bible (June 10)
I Kings 7: 1-51
The Mercy Seat
“O Come to the altar. The Father’s arms are open wide. Forgiveness was bought with The precious blood of Jesus Christ.” (“O Come to the Altar”. Elevation Worship)
Perhaps you have sung this worship song, but do you realize that it is directly linked to the understanding of the Tabernacle and then the Temple?
The Temple was a more permanent dwelling place that was modeled after the Tabernacle. We can not understand the Tabernacle or Temple without understanding its purpose and function.
The entire Temple was designed to point the people to “The Mercy Seat” of God.
“The Altar of Sacrifice”-- As the people entered the outer courtyard of the temple there was a great altar where animals were sacrificed to God. Only perfect animals could be offered for sacrifice. They produced a “pleasing aroma” to the Lord.
(Exodus 29:25)
“The Brazen Sea”--There was a large reservoir of water that stood by “The Altar of Sacrifice”. It was where the sins were washed away before they could come into the presence of God.
“The Two Pillars”--By the vestibule of the temple, there were two pillars that symbolized David and Solomon representing Intelligence and Wisdom.
“The Table of Showbread”--Just as the Tabernacle had twelve unleavened loaves of bread, the Temple reminded the people that their “food” and life comes from God alone.
“The Menorahs”--In the tabernacle there was only ONE Menorah, which was a large candlestick with seven oil lamps. In the Temple built by Solomon, he added to make TEN Menorahs. These were ornate, filled with pure olive oil, and placed opposite of the Showbread. The Western Lamp was special and constantly burning.
“The Incense Altar”--Incense was burned on this altar in the inner sanctuary and the perfume would fill the room symbolizing the prayers of the saints. (I Kings 7:49) The priests were the mediators between the people and God.
“The Veil”--The only thing that separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies was a veil, which was a large curtain with two cherubim embroidered on it. Only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies and talk with God directly. “The Veil” blocked all others from access to God.
“The Ark of the Covenant”-- The Holy of Holies was the innermost place where no one could enter except for the High Priest. The Ark of the Covenant held the tablets of the Ten Commandments and resting on the Ark was “The Mercy Seat”, with two cherubim facing each other with their wings outstretched. God would speak to the high priest in this very spot between the golden angels. (Ex. 25: 10-22)
“The “Mercy Seat” represented God’s Presence with his people. The two cherubim on top of the pure gold Mercy Seat were not cute little babies with wings. They were actually quite terrifying in appearance. (Ez. 1: 4-14)
What can we learn about “The Mercy Seat” from the cherubim placed here?
The first mention of the cherubim in the Bible is in Gen. 3:24. Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden after their sin and cherubim were placed on the east side of the garden with flaming swords to guard the way to the tree of life. They served as the “gatekeepers” to God’s presence, and they kept Adam and Eve from this perfect place due to their sin.
“The Mercy Seat” is where the high priest would take some of the blood sacrifices through “The Veil” and into the holy place. It was here at this very spot that the sins of the people would be rolled back for that year, and yet Hebrews 10:4 makes it clear that the blood of animals can NEVER actually take away our sin.
Everything in the temple points us to “The Mercy Seat”. Hebrews 9:1-9 helps us understand what the Old Testament Temple’s function really was about and its fulfillment in Jesus. It tells us that Jesus came as “A Better High Priest”, and that He was “A More Perfect Sacrifice”.
In the Temple, “The Veil” kept sinful man from coming near God or his Mercy Seat. Only the High Priest could go there. When Jesus, the perfect High Priest died, he completed the once and for all sacrifice for sins at the altar of God. “The Veil of the Temple” was torn IN TWO FROM TOP TO BOTTOM! No man could possibly do this act, only God. (Mt. 27: 51)
The distance between God and man has been removed. Jesus’ outstretched arms on the cross and death atoned for the past and future sins of all mankind.
“Today, you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:43) Those were the words of Jesus to the thief on the cross and they are the words of “The Mercy Seat” to you and me today.
Yes, the center of the Temple was the altar… “The Mercy Seat”.
“O Come to the altar. The Father’s arms are open wide. Forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ.” (“O Come to the Altar”. Elevation Worship)