A Walk Down Memory Lane
Acts 7:1-29 (June 9)
How sweet it is when we get to gather together with friends and family we haven't seen in a while! Undoubtedly, the conversation turns to days gone by... those special things we recall about the past. We laugh about the "good ole days", often at our own expense.
It is so fun to take that walk down Memory Lane. It is especially interesting when we can see where the events of our past have formed our present, and how God has orchestrated it all in his wisdom and timing.
If you recall... if you can walk down Memory Lane to yesterday's passage... then you will remember that Stephen is on trial, accused of blaspheming God. He is standing there with his face as bright as an angel.
Our walk today takes up where we left off... the high priest asking Stephen if the accusations are true.
Stephen does not answer him with a yes or no answer. Instead, he starts taking a Walk Down Memory Lane.
He reminds them of the promise God made to Abraham, that if he left his land and went to a new place that the new land would belong to him and all of his descendants. (This was told to Abraham when he had NO children, yet he still obeyed.)
He went on to tell Abraham how his descendants would be oppressed slaves for 400 years, and that the nation that enslaved them would be punished.
Stephen is speaking this as a child of Abraham, as one of his descendants. He starts his speech with "our ancestor Abraham", showing them all that he fully believes he is of the family of Abraham. He is letting them know that he is very versed in this history.
He then goes on to speak about Joseph and his brothers. Another Walk Down Memory Lane.
Joseph had a lot of troubles, beginning with being sold into slavery by his brothers. But God was with him and rescued him from all his troubles. Not only did he rescue him, but he gave him the wisdom he would need to make crucial decisions that would save many, including the very family that had harmed him.
He spoke these words so that these envious officials would see the results of envy amongst them.
Continuing his walk down Memory Lane, he goes on to remind them of Moses, of how he was raised by the Egyptians. At age of 40, he decides to visit his relatives , the Israelites. That is when he saw the Egyptian mistreating the Israelite and killed him.
It was his hope that his fellow Israelites would see that he was there to save them, sent by God to do so. Unfortunately, they didn't see it that way. Instead they saw him as a murderer, which caused him to live in exile in a foreign land.
Just like those Israelites didn't get Moses' purpose, these government officials weren't seeing the purpose of the apostles. They didn't recognize that they were sent by God for a purpose.
Yes, Stephen took this trip down Memory Lane as a reminder to these leaders, but was it helping them see the significance of his purpose? Of his fellow apostles' purpose?
Will this trip down Memory Lane soften them to wards him? Will they believe him?
Will this trip down Memory Lane save his life?
Well...the reminiscing isn't over...it continues tomorrow... and only time will tell where the story ends.