Don’t Fail the Test
2 CORINTHIANS 13: 1-14
(September 13)
I am going through some training right now that will allow me to do some counseling within my church. It is a lot of studying and a lot of class time, but I am hoping the end result will be the ability to help someone in need. When I am finished with this training, there will be a "test" to make sure I was listening and absorbed what I need to know.
I usually do pretty good on tests. As an overachiever, I do my best. So, I am hopeful that this one will be no different.
But what if I don't pass? What if I fail the test? All those hours in training and studying wasted in one single act. Now THAT would be a bummer!
Paul is planning his THIRD visit to the Corinthians, and they still seem to be a little slow in getting his message. The last time he visited, he gave warning to those he found sinning. Pretty much, that was their last chance. If they continue sinning, they will have failed the test of faith.
Do you think you have ever failed the test of faith? Has there been a time when you just could not trust in God for something?
One of the huge ways they were failing was by not acknowledging the correction of their authority. They wouldn't listen to Paul or his fellow apostles. There was no humility to submit.
How often do we balk against submission, especially when it calls us to change a behavior we don't want to change? In that way, we are just like the Corinthians, stubborn-hearted and prideful.
Don't fail the test. Humble yourselves before God and listen to his commands. His word says that when we do this, he will lift us up. I don't know about you, but to me that sounds like an A+!