My Strength & My Song
One Year Bible (Sep. 13)
Isaiah 12:1-14:32
My Strength & Song
“The Lord is my STRENGTH and my SONG.” (Isaiah 12:2)
Who is your STRENGTH and SONG? To answer this question is to unravel this entire passage of scripture that we are studying today.
The passage today begins with the words, “In that day”. When is this time?
As we look back at the end of yesterday’s passage we see these words, “He will make a highway for the REMNANT coming from Assyria, just as he did for Israel long ago when they returned from Egypt.” (11:16)
So, is this passage just for the remnant? Is it just about the Babylon of their day?
What does Babylon stand for and does Babylon still exist today? Who was the king of Babylon at the time of the Judean exile? What does the word, “Babylon” mean, and is it used in other places in scripture? Who is the “Day Star, Son of the Morning” and what has he got to do with this mess?
Trust me when I say that my little notebook has way more questions for me to study than just this short list, and that is just for today!
Writing a little devotional is not as simple as the author tries to make it appear. It is a wrestling match and today our match involves Babylon. This match begins with learning, and that begins by asking questions.
Did you know that there is actually a song, called “Babylon” by Lady Gaga? (Do you care? Hmmm) I actually do care because it tells me what direction our world is heading and where people are looking to put “the strength in their song”.
“Strut it out… Ba-Ba-Babylon”. (That’s the only catchy part!)
It is more about “Sketchy Parts” including the graphic on the cover.
The last line in her song is correct, however, “Battle for your life, Babylon.”
Before I even examined her lyrics, I knew this song was in trouble! You can know that by understanding the reputation of “Babylon”.
Babylon means “gate of the gods” and that is very accurate as it is known as a polytheistic nation (meaning they worship many gods). Its name is synonymous with the words, “Degenerate” or “Oppressive”.
In Biblical history one of the names for Iraq is Babylonia and it is known today as the area 60 miles south of Bagdad, Iraq. (Does that sound interesting in light of present events?)
The word, “Babylon” is also used in the New Testament. It is known as “Babylon the Great” and “The Whore of Babylon”. In Revelation 18, it symbolizes “the wickedness of the world”. We are told that if we follow God’s command, “Come out of Babylon”, we will not be part of the plagues that will destroy the world. (18:4-8)
As you can see, the “Battle of Babylon” is bigger than just the battle that the Nation of Judah was facing.
Who captured and later freed the Nation of Judah? That would be Babylon!
Who is going to be destroyed by God?
Babylon, Judah’s greatest enemy, is also the greatest enemy of God as they stand for all that is unholy. They were used as an instrument of God for a season. Basically, God said to Judah, “If you want to live like this ungodly nation, then you can just go and live under them as their slaves.” The people of God had a lot to learn!
One question that needs to be asked about today’s passage is whether this passage is just dealing with the destruction of “Babylon” of that day and time or “Babylon” (as in the book of Revelation) of a larger designation in time and dominion.
“For dominion belongs to the LORD and He rules over the nations.” (Ps. 22:28)
This principle is found throughout scripture. God rules over nations… godly nations, sinful nations, idolatrous nations. He can use them to humble other nations, bless them, or lower them. In this passage we see God doing ALL of the above!
Next, is the struggle in this passage just with “The Immediate Babylon”?
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Eph. 6:12)
This is a powerful lesson and NT reference to remind us that our problem is not just with a king, president, congress, or judges. Who is really behind the evil that rules kingdoms?
“Strut it out… Ba-Ba-Babylon”...“
The Lord is my STRENGTH and my SONG.” (Isaiah 12:2)