My Enemy’s Enemy
One Year Bible (Sep. 14)
Isaiah 15:1-18:7
My Enemy’s Enemy
Who is the “Real Enemy” behind all of the enemies?
Yesterday, we looked at the evil empire of Babylon, and how it is mentioned in the New Testament in a much grander scheme. In today’s passage, we see that Isaiah is also bringing prophecies of doom and judgment to Moab (Chp. 15) and then to Damascus (Chp. 17).
What are they known for, and why is God bringing justice to them?
The Moabites were descendants of the son of Lot, born of an incestuous relationship with his oldest daughter. (Gen. 19:37) This was not an honorable start! During the Exodus, the Israelites would not even pass through Moab. They would rather wander through the Wilderness. (That tells us a little bit more about their reputation.)
Isaiah weeps for Moab’s people, but look at how they are described. “The people of Moab will worship at their pagan shrines, but it will do them no good. They will cry to the gods in their temples, but no one will be able to save them.” (16:12)
The very name, Lot, from which they descended, should set off a red flag for us as in the original “Sodom and Gomorrah”.
Next, we read about Damascus, the capital of the ancient nation of Syria. We see that Israel and Syria are closely aligned against the nation of Judah. 2 Kings 15: 29 and 16: 9 show us the fulfillment of this prophecy.
God Almighty delivered the nation of Judah into the hands of their enemy to bring them to a place of brokenness and humility.
They were constantly seeking after idols, so God allowed them to be placed under that kind of leadership… for a season. This season was just long enough for them to see the repercussions of their decisions and repent. He always had a plan to raise up a righteous remnant to bring back to their homeland. Through HIS beloved nation, HE had an eternal plan to bring the Messiah to redeem them from their sin.
Look at what God is doing for HIS own people as He defeats all their enemies, “Then, at last, the people will look to their Creator and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel. They will no longer look to their idols for help or worship what their own hands have made. They will NEVER AGAIN bow down to their Asherah poles or worship at the pagan shrines they have built.” (17:8)
Why is God doing this? “Because you have turned from the God who can save you. You have forsaken the Rock who can hide you.” (17:10)
God promised to never again destroy the entire world with a flood such as Noah and the Ark, but HE never promised that HIS justice would allow evil to take over the kingdom. He is both merciful and just. Most of all He is sovereign.
Now, let’s go back and look at the “Back Story” ... Who is the “Enemy of my Enemy?”
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Shining Star, Son of the Morning!” (14:12)
In the middle of all of his proclaimed judgments, Isaiah gave an amazing prophecy that is often quoted. It is like an inside peak at the arch enemy of God, Lucifer or Satan.
In the middle of describing the King of Babylon, he begins describing the fall of Satan. Some theologians such as John Calvin will tell you that this passage only pertains to the King of Babylon, but the book of Revelation uses the term Babylon in a greater context and the Bible also uses this terminology to describe Satan and his fall…
Many don’t mind a prophet giving prophecy for their time but can’t seem to grasp that their message could be for a future time as well. The book of Revelation and Isaiah are great examples of future prophecy.
In this passage, Isaiah is tying the “Battle of Babylon” to a much greater “world system”.
This passage tells us that not only are the evil kingdoms going to FALL but the enemy of God behind the pagan altars will also fall.
Look at what we learn about this “fallen angel”. (14:12-15) 1) He was thrown down to earth, 2) He destroyed the nations of the world, 3) He bragged about ascending to God’s Heaven, presiding on the mountain with the gods, and climbed ‘the highest mountains’ to be like THE MOST HIGH.” 4) Instead, he will be BROUGHT down to the place of the dead.
There is a strange paradox at work here that we need to take note of… Nothing makes a person LESS like God than to try and be God’s EQUAL!
This is the sin of the “Star of the Morning”. He desires to be equal to God. The first temptation in the garden shows this pride. His tempting of Jesus repeats this same theme, and the OT shows this theme running as a hidden agenda throughout all battles.
These people were surrounded by the enemy and faced with terror. The enemy of God’s strategy has not changed. He still works to bring kingdoms and God’s people down through Pride and self-worship. He is fine with us worshiping “many gods”, just not GOD.
There is a song that I absolutely love by Josh Wilson. It is called, “The Things I’m afraid of”.
I hope you will give it a listen today. Here are just a few of the words, “I walked through the valley of shadows and it scared me half to death But You're with me everywhere I go. So I won’t give us yet. My fears would surely kill me if I didn’t know the truth.
The Things that I’m afraid of are afraid of you.” (Josh Wilson)
Has terror come your way? The very same God that took out all of the enemies of His people in that time, is the God who’s standing right behind you too…
He’s “My Enemy’s Enemy”!