The Foolishness Continues
(September 14)
Same story ... new place. Now Paul is writing to the church in Galatia, and it seems that they are following the same path as the Corinthians.
They are turning away from God, following someone who pretends to be preaching the Good News. This "falsie" is twisting the truth concerning Christ. Paul calls for a curse to fall upon anyone, himself included, who preaches any type of Good News other than the true Good News.
He knows his message is truth because it did not come from man, but from God. He was chosen by God, before he was even born, before he grew to be a persecutor of the gospel, before he was transformed to an apostle of faith. He accepts this calling on his life, just as we should accept ours.
Paul wrote this letter about AD 49. Paul and Barnabas had just completed a missionary journey that had included the province of Galatia. Upon their return to Antioch, Paul was accused by some Jewish Christians of watering down Christianity to make it more appealing to the Gentiles.
These Jewish believers didn't like the fact that Paul had said the Gentiles didn't have to follow many of the religious laws that the Jews had obeyed for generations. They felt as if the Gentiles should first take on the Jewish religion, including circumcision, before they could be saved.
This prompted Paul to write this letter to the believers of Galatia, explaining to them that the Old Testament laws will not bring salvation. The only way to salvation is by grace through faith.
The same holds true today. We can't "work" our way into heaven. We can't "do good" and earn enough "goodie" points to get us there. It is not based on popularity or finances.
Salvation is still achieved in one way, by receiving the grace of God through our faith in Jesus Christ. Paul praised God for this fact, and we do too!