People Change

One Year Bible (May 11)

I Samuel 10:1-11:15

“People CHANGE”

There is an excellent, old Hallmark movie called, “The Boys Next Door” based on a play by Tom Griffin. The place is a communal residence in New England where four mentally challenged young adults live under the supervision of their burned-out social worker, Jack. They face challenges like capturing a rat on the loose, keeping daily jobs, parental struggles, and learning to stand up for what they believe in.

For people with special needs facing big changes is especially challenging! I can still hear one of the young men in this movie saying the same words repeatedly throughout the show, “People Change”. Boy, was he right! It was challenging for them, as it is for us.

Not only do people change, but things change as well. Most of us like changes that benefit us, but we mourn the changes that take away our rights, memories, and comfort. We resist changes that are not of our own choosing. Simply put, we want to be in charge!

Today’s passage in I Samuel 10-11 is filled with some big changes that hold lessons for all of us…

This passage begins with Samuel, the former judge of Israel, anointing the head of Saul, who is to be the first King of Israel. Was this the change that Samuel was looking for? I doubt it! Was it God’s desire for Israel to have a king? Absolutely not!

Look at what the scriptures tell us about this transition from having a judge to a king, “But though I have rescued you from your misery and distress, you have rejected your God today and have said, ‘No, we want a king instead’!” (I Samuel 10: 19)

Before this time the king of Israel was God, and He led the people through the prophets and judges. The people, however, wanted an earthly king because “We want to be like the nations around us”. God was OUT; the king was IN!

But, God is always bigger than our messes!

Look at how Saul handles the “Passing of the Torch” in a relay that he does not want to participate in… He begins by telling Saul what is to come, what is to happen, what he will see, and how he is to respond. Make note that it all comes true as the spokesman of God has told him. But, there is more… much more!

“As Saul turned and started to leave, God gave him (Saul) a new heart, and all Samuel’s signs were fulfilled that day…Then the Spirit of God came powerfully upon Saul, and he too began to prophesy. When those who knew Saul heard about it, they exclaimed, “What? Is even Saul a prophet? How did the son of Kish become a prophet? And one of those standing there said, ‘Can anyone become a prophet, no matter who his father is? So that is the origin of the saying, “Is even Saul a prophet?” (I Samuel 10: 9-12)


Hang on because our story is about to get even better. There are lots of twists and turns in today’s handing off of the torch in leadership…

Saul now stands before the people and reminds them that they had rejected the Lord as their king because of the way they requested a monarch. Nonetheless, God is going to oversee and appoint his chosen as their king. This is a REALLY BIG moment… Drum Roll please for the coronation!!!!

And the spotlight shifts to focus on the very FIRST KING OF ISRAEL who is now anointed with the Spirit of God. The spotlight is going back and forth. I said back and forth!! But, where is Saul? They looked for Saul but he had disappeared! So, they asked the Lord, “Where is he?”

“And the Lord replied, ‘He is hiding among the baggage.’ So, they found him and brought him out, and he stood head and shoulders above anyone else.” (I Samuel 10: 22-23)


Twist Number Two is the torch hand-off relay… “When Saul returned to his home at Gibeah, a group of men whose hearts God had touched went with him. But there were some scoundrels who complained, “How can this man save us? And they SCORNED him and refused to bring him gifts. But Saul ignored them? “ (I Sam. 10: 26)

Whenever there is change, there are always a few (or more) SCOUNDRELS who SCORN. Have you noticed that?

Twist Number THREE! Here comes the really big ending and the punch line…

Saul is back at home “on the ranch”, so to speak. He is plowing the fields with his oxen. Just an ordinary man doing an ordinary job. Meanwhile, Israel’s enemy has been gouging people’s eyes out (literally). They are now threatening and ready to do this again to the nation that Saul is the new reluctant king over. The people are crying and tell Saul this devastating news. Watch out folks, because here comes the big ending.


“Then the Spirit of God came powerfully upon Saul, and he became very angry.” (11:6) The guy who was smooth, tall, good-looking, and seemingly devoid of leadership qualities (aka, “Baggage Boy”) has certainly come out from behind the luggage!!!!

Saul takes his supporters, his “Neigh Sayers” and it totals up to 3,000, 000 men from Israel and 30,000 men from Judah, and sends a message to the threatened “Eye-Spy-With-My-Little-Eye-Group”.

Help is on the way!!!! “We will rescue you by noontime tomorrow!” (11:9) “Keep your eyes peeled!” (Sorry, I added that part…)

The Israelites were RESCUED, RECOMMITTED, and RENEWED that amazing day!!!

Things Change. Obstacles Change.


”Then they offered peace offerings to the Lord, and Saul and all the Israelites were filled with joy.” (11:15)


A Complex Situation


Prove It