A Complex Situation
John 6:43-71 (May 11)
Our story picks up where we left off yesterday, with Jesus in the synagogue in Capernaum, trying to get people to understand what he is teaching them.
As I read these scriptures, I can almost feel his frustration jumping off the page. He is repeating the same thing to them over and over again and they are just not getting it.
I think of parenting. I recall the many times I have tried to explain something to my children, only to have to repeat myself again and again. (I have told you a million times, it is NOT okay to pinch your sister!) If you are a mama, I'm sure you get what I am saying.
So here is Jesus, in this crowd of people who are mostly just wanting what they can get from him, and he is telling them REPEATEDLY that they only way they can receive eternal life is through him.
The complexity of the problem is that they are taking his words LITERALLY instead of FIGURATIVELY.
"I tell you the truth, anyone who believes has eternal life. Yes, I am the bread of life! Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, but they all died. Anyone who eats the bread from heaven, however, will never die." Jesus is referring to himself, the Living Bread.
But these confused people are really baffled now. They start arguing amongst themselves as to the meaning of his words. "How can this man give us his flesh to eat," they asked.
This is starting to sound like an episode of The Walking Dead. People, people, we will have no eating of flesh here today!!
They just are not grasping the message. Things are not always black and white, and they just haven't figured that out yet. Jesus is not a loaf of bread or a cup of water. Many of his disciples are confused. "This is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it?"
Life has its confusing moments. It has many complex situations that we have to work our way through. Often times, we just don't understand the WHY, the HOW, the WHEN.
But those of us who walk in the faith of Christ, even though we don't understand all of that, we know and trust the WHO. We believe that he is our help in times of need, and even though we don't SEE him, we BELIEVE.
That is where the difference lies between us and these people in today's scripture. They are being asked to learn to believe, and their minds are struggling to wrap around the concept of this earthly man being the Son of God. I get that. I can see where it might be a stretch. But what joy, promise, security, and strength comes when we do believe.
But some of these disciples just could not accept what he was saying, and they turned away and left him. Jesus looked at his twelve and asked, "Are you also going to leave?" (Even though he already knew the answer)
These were the twelve that would stay, that would believe. These were the ones that Jesus had chosen, even though he knew that one would sell him out, another would deny him, and another would doubt.
Just like he chose those twelve, he chooses each of us. He knows there will be times in life when doubt may creep in. Some of us will drift away and sell out to something more attractive. Some may deny him when faced with ridicule. But he loves us anyways.
And for those of us who allow him the joy of walking through life with us, we learn we can get through anything with him at our side. We can manage any complex situation when we live out our lives with faith.