Prove It
John 6: 22-42 (May 10)
"Prove It"
My mom likes to watch those "who dunnit" shows, the ones where they gather all the evidence of the crime, compile their case, and prove someone guilty or not guilty.
Sometimes the evidence is glaringly obvious. Other times, the search is on for each new piece of proof, and it doesn't come easy.
In today's scripture, Jesus finds himself in a position of needing to "prove it" to the people. Is this a preview of The People vs. Jesus that is coming soon?
We find Jesus in Capernaum, but the crowd is still looking for him on the mountain. Perhaps they are hungry again? When they realize he is not there, they pile into boats and head to Capernaum. (This poor man never gets a break?)
Have you ever felt that way? As if you can't get a break and the whole world is wanting something from you?
Jesus is not fooled by their following. He tells them, "I tell you the truth, you want to be with me because I fed you, not because you understood the miraculous signs."
Jesus is fully aware that they are more concerned with what they can get from him than what he is trying to teach them.
Does that sound familiar? Ever been in this situation, where you know that people are not being totally real with you, but are just interested in how you can benefit them?
We see from this scripture that this type of behavior has been going on for thousands of years. So, we shouldn't be surprised when it happens to us!
Jesus goes on to tell them, "But don't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you. For God the Father has given me the seal of his approval."
Have you ever been hungry and all you could think about was your next big cheeseburger or that taco plate they serve at your favorite restaurant? Do we get as hungry for Jesus as we do for our favorite food items?
This crowd tells Jesus they want to perform the work of God, too. They just don't know what to do. So, Jesus informs them that all God really wants from them is for them to believe in him. Really? That's it? No turning water into wine or bringing someone back from the dead? Well...that's a relief!
But here is where it gets a little touchy. They say to him, "Show us a miraculous sign if you want us to believe in you."
Are you kidding me??? Did they not just witness, only the day before, how five loaves and two fish fed thousands? Did they not hear of the water that became the finest wine or the dying boy who was healed?
This reminds me of the Israelites. Over and over as they wandered for forty years, they demonstrated their doubt. They fell to worshipping other gods, building temples, and all sorts of mess. All of this after they literally stood there and watched the sea part for them to pass to safety, and their enemies be swallowed by the water.
I ask you friends, what more proof did they need? Would that be proof enough for you?
But here with have this crowd of prosecutors, wanting the defense to prove without a shadow of a doubt that what he says is truth. They have no concept of faith. They have no idea about trusting that which you cannot see to a God that you know to be real.
They need proof that Jesus is who he says he is, yet they believe about Moses something that he didn't even do.
"After all, our ancestors ate manna while they journeyed through the wilderness? The Scriptures say, "Moses gave them bread from heaven to eat.'"
Oh my, they are so confused. They actually thought Moses was behind the manna.
Jesus goes on to tell them the real meaning of the bread of life. He talks about those who come to him and those who believe in him. Then he reminds them that even though they have had the opportunity to actually see him, they still don't believe.
"For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will."
"For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life." they are really confused. This case is getting crazier by the minute for these clueless people. Did he just say that he was the Son of God? We thought his father was Joseph. How can he be saying that he comes from heaven? Can we believe a single word he says?
Do you see the dilemma? They had no faith. They needed Jesus to PROVE with his actions who he said he was. And even though they had already seen enough of his miracles, they still wanted more proof.
I believe that sometimes, when humankind is trying to wrap their minds around something that seems unfathomable, we require a little extra proof. We need more than just this or that, we need a whole lotta' this or that before we can admit to believing something that seems kind of "out there". So perhaps this was the case for this crowd on this particular day.
It is sometimes hard to just take someone at their word, especially if we don't really know them. Those who struggled with that repeatedly asked Jesus to "PROVE IT". Those who believed with unwavering faith and followed him not only with their steps but with their hearts, would live out their eternity with him.
I don't know about you, but that is proof enough for me!