Strength & Trust
When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was to climb the tree at the side of my Granny’s driveway. The limbs were solid and strong, and just perfect for a little girl who loved an adventure.
The limbs in that tree went up above the power lines. To was an awesome tree, but to my Granny it was an opportunity for a little girl to break and arm or leg...or worse.
She would tell me, “Betty Ann, come down from there before you hurt yourself!” And I would say, “I’m not gonna fall Granny.”
Oh, what trust I put in the branches of that tree! What faith I had in their strength and ability to keep me safe.
I never doubted that tree. It was a solid, strong presence in my life that offered me such great adventure.
As I have matured and drawn closer to God, I have found that there is another solid, strong presence in my life. The word of God is stronger and more real than any tree I have ever climbed.
Just like I put my child-like trust into those branches so long ago, I can put my faith in who God is and what He says. I can rely on the strength of His word to hold me up and keep me from falling when life wants to toss me to the ground.
Just like the roots of that old tree ran deep and strong, the word of God is deeply rooted in my heart. It’s not going anywhere.
How easily we trust in that which we can see...such as a great climbing tree. We can trust in the unseen of God’s word just as much. We can take those words to heart, believe them, and let them be the force by which we live.
I may no longer be a little girl nestled in the arms of those branches. But I am His little girl, nestled in His loving arms for all of eternity.
The great thing is...His arms are big and wide, and there is room for you too!