Words Can Hurt
How often do you find yourself speaking words that you instantly wish you could zip right back into your mouth?
What about the times your words or actions make you wish you could crawl in a hole and cover yourself?
Our words can sneak up on us and slip out sometimes, especially in the "heat of the moment."
We have the ability to tear down, discourage, hurt, and manipulate with the words that come from our mouths.
We have a choice on how we use this tongue that God gave us. We can be hateful, hurtful, arrogant, and cruel. Or we can speak like Jesus did...with compassion, love, forgiveness, and comfort.
When His word is in our hearts, it is more likely to come out of our mouths. He will use those opportunities for us to speak a difference into the lives of others.
Learn the Word of God, treasure it, and use it to build up others, not tear them down.