Chance of a Lifetime
I am so grateful for my salvation! I am so humbled by the thought that Jesus sacrificed his own life so that you and I could experience hisgrace and a life filled with all God’s promises.
We don't get this opportunity because we spend our days doing incredible works. We don't get this opportunity because we are better than anyone else. We don't get this opportunity because we have earned it in any way.
This opportunity comes to us only because of the salvation that is offered to us through through the death and resurrection of our Savior.
He alone has saved us. He alone calls us to live this holy life, and gives us opportunities each and every day to share his word, his love, his light with the world around us.
It is for his purpose that we are given this chance of a lifetime…a chance to impact the world and share our sweet salvation with those who so desperately need it.
Don't waste a moment of this precious gift. Let today be a "love-sharing, soul-winning, gospel-spreading” day. That is his purpose for your life.