A Child of God
The bible says in 2 Corinthians 6:18..."And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me," says the Lord Almighty.
We are his children if we call upon his name. He is our Father. A Father to the fatherless, the hopeless, the hungry, the grief-stricken, the distraught, the poor, the broken, the angry, the resentful, and the weak.
He is also Father to those who are elated, filled with joy, high on anticipation, loving, compassionate, and rich in blessings.
There is no distinguishing attribute that sets us apart to be loved by our Lord. There is no condemnation or judgement that keeps us from his love.
All we have to go is call on him, seek forgiveness for our sins, and seek to love and serve him. Then we receive the precious gift of eternal life with our Father in Heaven.