Long Haulers

One Year Bible (May 4)

Judges 19:1-20:48

“Long Haulers”

One of the stories that fill medical news these days is of “Long Haulers”. For whatever reason, many people experience significant severe symptoms that can last for months to years as a result of their infection with this severe virus overload. It is a post-acute syndrome that can be severely debilitating. Most of us have gone out of our way to avoid this with every fiber of our being.

What if I told you that sin is even more deadly and long-lasting? Would we avoid embracing that?

The story of Micah (Not prophet Micah) offered us an example of how NOT to worship God, The results of his “traveling idols” not only affected Jonathan, son of Gershom, the son of Moses, and his sons who were priests from the tribe of Dan until the time of the captivity of the land, but they continued to use the idol Micah had made, “All the time the house of God was in Shiloh.” (Judges 18: 30-31) The effects of immorality, and “Everyone doing what they thought was right in their own eyes” led to much bloodshed and evil.

Today’s OT passage is rated R. So, I am not going to include the “Nitty Gritty” details. However, I will tell you what is said about the rape, torture, and ramifications in this story…

Everyone who saw it said, “Such a horrible crime has not been committed in all the time since Israel left Egypt. Think about it! What are we going to do? Who’s going to speak up?” (Judges 19:30)

This evil was so great that it brought all the Israelites to their knees in the presence of the Lord with weeping and fasting. (20: 22-23)

A nation without its eyes on God becomes a nation that has no heart… and oh what evil follows this steep decline. Not only was Micah an example of how not to worship God but it illustrates the consequences of practicing religion according to what we think is best rather than according to God’s teaching. God’s Word not only guides us; it protects us.

Without that protection, evil motives, and every unimaginable evil follows. Today’s story is just that… PURE EVIL!

“Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” James 1: 14-15.

Can we relate to this wake-up call of a story today?

We not only suffer from a “virus overload”, we are suffering as a nation “Whose eyes are no longer on the Lord”; instead we as a nation are doing what is “right in our own eyes”.

Soon the nation of Israel will be broken and cry, fast, and repent because their sin has passed down from generation to generation and it has become so unspeakably evil that no one can fathom!

The body of the woman who was defiled repeatedly until she died has been divided up into twelve parts and sent to the twelve tribes as a severe warning. Eleven out of twelve tribes will repent; one will not bow its knee.

The story of Micah reminds us that we do not come to God on OUR terms. We come to God on HIS terms!

How is the nightly news setting with you these days? Are you witnessing unspeakable atrocities?

Long Haulers, Beware!

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” -- 2 Chronicles 7:14.


No Comparison


Facing Judgement