How Could He?
One-Year Bible: 01/09/2023
Genesis 20:1-22:24
How Could He?
If you have read the story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his one and only long-awaited son and asked, “How could God ask Abraham to do such a thing?” or “How could a father ask a son to make such a sacrifice?”, then you are on the right track…
That is exactly what this biblical story is all about.
The entire Old Testament points us to the New Testament fulfillment. We want to read it with eyes wide open, looking at New Testament scriptures that point us to what “was concealed” but is now “revealed” to us in Christ.
Have you ever noticed how much Isaac and Christ have in common?
Both fathers offer their “Only,” “Special,” and “Begotten” sons that were so loved. Isaac and Jesus were “Offered up” as sacrificial lambs as burnt offerings. Jesus was to take the place of all the sacrificial lambs in the Temple throughout the Old Testament sacrifices.
On their way to sacrifice, both were accompanied by TWO MEN, carrying the wood for their sacrifices. Jesus’ carrying of the wood involved a rugged cross.
Both of these beloved sons were submissive to their Father’s will and showed absolute faith and trust in their fathers.
Both men were in their early 30’s…They were so young with their lives ahead of them but were willing to lay them down on the altar of faith.
The similarities are numerous and were placed there for us to stop and take note of them. Isaac is seen as a “type” of Jesus.
There is a vast difference; however, Isaac’s death was replaced by an animal sacrifice. Jesus replaced the animal sacrifice, which could never permanently remove sin from mankind.
Only a perfect lamb, a human sacrifice, could do that…
The place where Isaac was to be sacrificed was called “Yahweh-Yireh,” which means “The Lord will provide.”
Mt. Moriah was the location of Abraham and Isaac’s sacrifice experience and where the “True Provision” for sins was applied when Jesus Christ was sacrificed.
On the third day, Abraham reached his destination in order to sacrifice his only son, but an angel intervened and raised his arm from harming his son.
Jesus rose from the dead on the third day with the angels guarding his tomb. He was raised from death to life.
So, if you ask yourself, “How in the world could God ask something like that of Abraham and Isaac?” then you are on the right track…
How could the God of the universe give us his only son, perfect, long-awaited, loved, and begotten?
How Could He?
“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” --John 3:16