Where Will You Build Your House?
MATTHEW 7:15-29
(January 9)
When my youngest was in her early elementary years, she had the greatest skill. She could lie better than anyone I knew. This innocent looking little girl would stare you straight in the eye and tell a whopper without ever even blinking.
It was a lot of prayer and diligence that finally helped her break this habit. Had we not worked on this, she would have continued to share her "false truths" as she got older, and probably would have gotten even better at it.
She could have become a pro at telling these false truths. She looks so sweet and innocent, but ...
The false prophets who were disguising themselves as believers also looked innocent at first glance. It was only after you watched them for a while and took inventory of the fruit they were producing that you could see the truth behind their disguise.
Have you ever heard, "Actions speak louder than words"? Our actions really do reveal who we are and what we believe. That is how the false prophets got "found out", because their actions didn't match their words and their lives were not producing the good fruit they should have.
They were really good at saying what people wanted to hear and calling it a message from God. These are the crafty and immoral people that we read about in scripture, but also see today on this earth. Their motivation is not a life for Christ, but money, power or fame. Instead of glorifying God, the place the glory on themselves, which is a good way to distinguish them from the truth.
More importantly, God knows their hearts, just as he knows every heart. While the words may sound good enough to get you into heaven, it is the heart that is judged. So many who "talk the talk" will not "walk the walk" on streets of gold.
It is those who truly listen to God and study his word, letting it penetrate into their hearts, that will stroll those streets one day. They are the ones who find wisdom and knowledge from God and let it direct their lives, instead of following the worldly pack.
These are the people who build their houses upon the rock ... the firm foundation of Christ. They are firm and solid in their faith, and it is evident by the fruit they produce.
Those who build their house upon the sand face destruction. That house might look nice for a while, but the first big storm is going to wash it away. If we aren't firm in our faith, but merely straddling the fence between the word and the world, we will find ourselves tossed about in the storms, with no anchor to hold on to.
This was true in biblical times, and it is true today. Each of us must choose where we want to build our house (our faith). Do we build it on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, who will help us weather any storm that comes our way? Or do we build it on the sinking sand that looks like it is right, but cannot withstand any trouble?
"On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."
Where will you build your house?