The Hall of Shame
One Year Bible (July 4)
2 Kings 23:31-25:30
“If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit!”--Johnnie Cochran, Lawyer
Who remembers these words from one of the most famous trials in the history of our country? I certainly do as I was in the hospital at the time and It was on almost every channel all day long!!
You see, the bloody glove connected this famous football star to a horrendous crime. They had to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the man had committed murder and the glove was the connecting evidence. If that could not be proven he would walk free, but if proven guilty he would probably receive the death penalty. That is how the system of justice works, or sometimes doesn’t.
Can you imagine the pain of the parents when the man that they “believed had killed their daughter” went free? They had watched him being chased by a long line of police cars and now he would simply walk out the door and drive away again!
In the Old Testament, they had cities of refuge for people who “accidentally” killed someone because in their day and age retribution by the family was the law and penalty for taking another’s life. Yes, Retribution was the law!
Today we are ending our time in the books of I and II Kings and all eyes are on the Nation of Judah.
Not only does “the glove fit”, but the kings were caught “red-handed” disobeying God over and over again.
What a terrible “HALL OF SHAME” the kings had been for the people to watch and follow!
For the Nation of Judah, out of 20 kings, 12 were BAD and only 8 were GOOD! The Nation of Israel had 19 kings and every single one was BAD. They have already been judged and lost their nation!
This final chapter in 2 Kings tells us quickly of the last four kings' reigns. They were evil and they sealed the fate and judgment of the nation! The judgment of God is imminent! Sin comes with a price and that price is DEATH!
If just one member of our family is killed we desire justice! Our God who is both JUST and MERCIFUL watched his beloved nation commit Adultery and Idolatry over and over again.
Can you begin to imagine the pain of our Heavenly Father when he knows guilt upon guilt upon guilt? His acute sense of Justice could tolerate no more! His justice cries out for PAYMENT and His heart of Mercy calls for PROPITIATION.
Remember the children of Israel wandering in the desert for 40 years because of their worship of the golden calf? These people had spent a lifetime going back to their idols. . However, the punishment didn’t turn them around, did it?
All of King Josiah's faithful efforts couldn't possibly turn them around either.
Because The Glove Fit, God Could NOT ACQUIT!
REFORMATION would never be enough.
They needed REDEMPTION.
What would it take to appease the wrath of God and make man right with HIM?
Why does God have this wrath that can not be appeased?
“Whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.” Ephesians 5:6.
Even King Josiah’s best human efforts could not complete or atone for the sins of the people. Only a perfect King could do that. Only a sacrificial lamb that was without spot or blemish could be sacrificed for the sins of the people.
What does a HOLY RIGHTEOUS GOD need to atone for the sins of a guilty people?
PROPITIATION. This is appeasing the wrath of an offended person and causing them to be reconciled back to the offended by being “made right”. The debt of the guilty party is paid for.
The people must be DELIVERED into slavery so that the God who they have denied can DELIVER them from themselves.
The rule of the KINGS must come to an END so that the Rule of “THE KING OF KINGS” can come to PASS!
What can wash away our sins?... NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS.
“For this reason, he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.” ( Hebrew 2:17)
Who could lift this “HALL OF SHAME”?
“For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”. (Hebrews 12:2)
Only one perfect man, the Son of God, could appease the wrath of God by taking away our “HALL OF SHAME”