Light of the World
ACTS 21:37 - 22:16 (July 3)
If you have accepted Jesus into your heart, you have a transformation story... a story about the moment that he spoke to you, the moment you were certain that he was Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Maybe you grew up knowing Jesus. It was the natural next step to invite him into your heart. There was no surprise, just the beauty of it.
Or maybe Jesus came into your life later, after you had done some things you aren't proud of, and people around you were amazed by the change in you. And you were amazed by the feelings of hope and promise that soothed away all the pains of the past.
Paul's story was much like the second possibility. After living a life of persecuting believers, his transformation was an incredible, blinding (literally) experience.
There is a song that these scriptures bring to mind:
Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes, let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You
And here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
That Light of the World stepped down into Paul's darkness and opened his eyes (after closing them for a brief time) and helped him see. He saw that what he had been doing was so wrong. He saw that God loved him and had an enormous plan for his life. He saw the truth of the Good News.
And as the Roman commander was about to take him inside, Paul asked to speak with him. He asked the commander, using the Greek language. He did this to show that he was cultured and educated, not just a common rebel starting riots in the streets. He explained that he was not who the commander thought he was, and then he asked to speak to the crowd.
He addressed the crowd in Aramaic to communicate to them and show them he was a devout Jew and had respect for the Jewish laws and customs.
Hearing him speak in their language surprised and silenced them. They listened intently to his words as he shared his testimony. He told them about his dreadful past filled with persecution of believers. He explained all he had done in his wickedness.
Then he went on to share with them about the event that changed the entire direction of his life. He spoke about that meeting on the road to Damascus, and how that bright light engulfed him. He explained in great detail about his first meeting with the Light of the World.
Paul was proud of this moment in his life, where he was given the opportunity to make a change. He was grateful for that meeting, for that light that surrounded him, and for the heart change he experienced.
Is that moment of heart change something you think about often? Do you share it with those who need to hear? I know I could certainly do a better job of sharing my testimony of faith.
We need to make it a priority to share with others, telling them about how God took our ashes and made them beauty. How did he work through our heartaches? Through our sorrows and pain? How has he helped us overcome fear, worry and doubt?
How has he brought joy into our lives and made us feel worthy in an unworthy world? How has he stepped out of the darkness and opened our eyes?
Don't be afraid to share your testimony! This shows people you are different, and it shines the brightness on the Light of the World.