When Truth Is Spoken
Oh...what power we have when we speak the truth of God’s love! What amazing change we can bring about in the lives of those around us!
Do you want to be a Change Maker? Do you desire to be a Truth Speaker? Are you longing to see the gospel brought to life to those around you?
I am reminded of the Samaritan woman. What a blessed encounter she had with Jesus at Jacob’s well. What a life altering moment for her! A self-conscious, lowly regarded, ostracized woman of sin was given the beautiful gift of the Living Water. She was given grace, love, and hope for her future, and her heart was filled with joy.
It is what she did next that in this story which holds the greatest significance:
And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified. “He told me all that I ever did.” So when the Samaritans had come to Him, they urged Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. And many more believed because of His own word. -John 4:39-41
This woman, who typically kept to herself due to shame, was so filled with joy that she ran right to the people she typically stayed away from, just to share her joy and amazement. She spoke words of truth to them, she testified boldly, and others in that town came to know Jesus.
The words of this shamed woman held power. Her words changed the lives of many, all because she believed. It was her belief that gave her words the power they needed to make an impact.
We have that same power. We can testify to a group of unbelievers and have them come to know Jesus. Our words can change someone else’s eternity.
When we believe, when are hearts are sure and pure, God can and will use our words to change hearts and lives. Powerful things happen with truth is spoken.