Getting Through the “Other” Days
This “mama” job can be tough! It requires us to love unconditionally, forgive when necessary, have joy in our hearts, struggle through our tears, be disciplined in disciplining, have a servant’s heart, and face the unknown with strength and courage. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg on the list of requirements!
There are times when life is going smoothly and we think we have this “mama” thing down pretty good. The kids are good, the house isn't too disheveled, no one is in the emergency room, no one is in the principal’s office, homework is done, laughter permeates the walls of your home, and your days end with bedtime cuddles and whispered "good nights.” Aaahhh….life is good!
Then comes the “other” days! Someone just threw up in their bed, the alarm clock didn't go off, there is a missing shoe in a tornado-stricken bedroom, homework was forgotten at school, the dog is digging in the trash can, your coffee is cold, and kids are screaming at each other. You just want to cry! (Maybe you actually do shed a few tears).
Don’t cry, my mama friends. Don't let the enemy defeat you. Hold your head up and laugh. Know without a doubt that God is right there with you ( he may even be chuckling himself), and he is going to give you the strength you need to persevere whatever thunderstorm you are in at the moment. He is going to uphold you with his strong right hand and carry you through to tomorrow. So when the days are hard and the struggle is real, be strong and look to tomorrow with a joyous heart, knowing that even in your weakest moments, you are held by the strongest hands.