Take No Trophies

One Year Bible (April 28)

Judges 8:18-9:21.

“Take No Trophies”

“I do have one request--that each of you give me an earring from the plunder you collected from your fallen enemies.” (Judge 8: 24)

Gideon’s request totaled 43 pounds of gold from the earrings which he made into a “sacred ephod” and placed in his hometown.

What is an “Ephod” and why did Gideon want to take the gold from the earrings, make the ephod, and place it in his hometown?

First of all, an ephod was a type of apron or sleeveless garment worn by the Jewish High Priests. It carried symbolic weight and was often covered with memorial stones.

Secondly, did God ask Gideon to do this and how does it turn out?

God often asked the people to make a memorial to HIM. This was not the case with Gideon.

An Ephod was the kind of covering that Aaron and King David wore, and now Gideon had designed it with the purpose of taking it home to his hometown.

How does it turn out for him? Judges 8: 27 tells us, “Gideon made a sacred ephod from the gold and put it in Ophrah, his hometown. But soon all the Israelites prostituted themselves by worshiping it, and “IT BECAME A TRAP” for Gideon”. (Yep, definitely not God’s plan!)

Gideon had seventy sons born to him (of his many wives). He also had a concubine (a mistress, who had a lower status than his wives) in Shechem, who gave birth to a son, named Abimelech. In Judges 9:18 Jotham (Gideon’s youngest son) refers to Abimelech as “The son of a slave woman”.

Thirdly, what does this trap look like? The Israelites forgot their God, their leader (Gideon who died), and they chose to be ruled, once again, by complete wickedness! Abimelech, not only asked to rule over the Israelites but he put to death ALL seventy sons that were his half-brothers. They had the same father, but Abimelech had no heart for his father, his father’s sons, or his father’s God. (Judges 9: 5)

Only the youngest son, Jotham escaped, hid, and later spoke up to the people about their wickedness, lack of honor, and return to slavery.

This entire story is a visual for us about “slavery” vs “freedom”. What a slippery slope and how quickly the ledge becomes a BIG SLIDE!

One moment “Weak” Gideon is following God in spite of all his fears and the next moment after he hears those words, “For the Sword of God and Gideon”, he is taking home a little “Bling” and that always “Bites”!

Many of us can’t quite fathom bowing down to a “golden calf” or some altar made of metal, but we have “trophies” (things that we pride ourselves on). Next comes jealousy and every other evil thing!

Abimelech, obviously, did not celebrate his father’s victory or honor his cherished sons. I would say that the guy had some “daddy issues''. Wouldn’t you?

What is interesting is how we--like the people in this story--do not realize that our “idols” also make us slaves. Perhaps, you have heard the saying, “Keeping up with the Jones”. Who are these people anyway and why are we trying to keep in step with anyone but God?

This same kind of turmoil happens in our families as well. We may not go to the extent that Abimelech did (God forbid!) but the roots of hurt and bitterness cause death in our hearts and words.

What trophies tempt us and can “become a big trap”?

How can we “Take No Trophies”?

I would love to hear your thoughts.


Seeing is Believing


Surprised Simon