“The Devil Made Me Do It”

The One Year Bible (April 23)

Judges 1:1-2:9, Luke 21: 29-22:13, Psalm 90-91:16

“The Devil Made Me Do It"

There was an old comedy routine done by Flip Wilson back in “the day” on The Ed Sullivan show. This comedy routine really took off and helped make Flip Wilson’s comedy career. It was hilarious and many still think of the devil as a joke, but is he? Really?

Today’s post is about “Two Tales of Temptation”. One tale is found in our NT story about Judas. The other tale is about the Israelites, who once again turn back to their idols. The definition of “Tale” can mean a fable or myth, but the definition that best fits these accounts is narrative, report, account, record, history, and epic saga. The story of Judas’ betrayal is definitely an “Epic Saga”. Even today no one wants to name their child Judas as he will forever be remembered for his tragic deed!

Today’s verse that really jumped off the page for me is found in Luke 21: 3-6. “Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples, and he went to the leading priests and captains of the temple guard to discuss the best way to betray Jesus to them. They were delighted, and they promised to give him money. So, he agreed and began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus so they could arrest him when the crowds weren’t around”

First, it says it straight out, right here… “Satan entered Judas”. Secondly, Judas went to the leading priests and captains of the Temple Guard to betray Jesus. They didn’t come and seek him out; He initiated this evil betrayal! Thirdly, They were delighted and offered him money for the dirty deed and he agreed. Evil was born, sealed, signed, and delivered!

How in the world can someone betray the Son of God after being so close to him and seeing the signs and wonders, hearing the teachings, and beholding his great love? What would open Judas up to the enemy in a way that he would find a complete foothold in his life?

It is interesting that our OT passage today also deals with temptation (Judges 2:1-7). We see that an angel of the Lord went to speak with the people who were instructed to destroy the false idols and not cozy up with their immoral neighbors. They had disobeyed and were intermarrying and worshipping their idols. The angel informed them that because of their disobedience, God would not be delivering them and they would be in constant temptation due to their choices.

When the angel finished, the people “wept loudly”. The place called Bokim (where they were delivered this news) became known as the place which means “weeping”. They wept, but did they change?

Notice what the passage tells us about the people. When Joshua and the Israelites who had “Seen all the great things the Lord had done for Israel” were gone, the next generation did not remember what they had seen, heard, or been admonished to do. They wept, but they did not remember or act upon the covenant.

Here is what struck me… Judas was “WITH” Jesus, but he wasn’t really “WITH” Jesus. Do you “SEE”?

The Israelites were “WITH” the angel, but they were not “WITH” the angel’s warning!

They had “SEEN all the great things the Lord had done for Israel” but they had not “SEEN” God!. They often wept, but they most often did NOT follow God’s covenant!

Our Old Testament and New Testament passages today remind us of the dangers of giving the enemy a foothold in our lives. This foothold put the Israelites in bondage, and it was the end of Judas. Judas’ sad story reminds us of that… God knew the blindness of this man even when he dipped his bread with him at the Lord’s Supper Table. He said, “Judas, go and do what you must do.”

Today’s reminder is a powerful one for us! Scripture reminds us that “No one can serve two Masters.” No one! Not the Israelites!! Not Judas, and not you or me!!! There is only one place of safety away from the enemy’s long arms…

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God and I will trust him, For he will rescue you from EVERY TRAP!” (Psalm 91:1)

“The Devil Made Me Do It”...It’s not a joke, but it is a wake-up call! Open our eyes that we might truly SEE and SEEK the “Shelter of the Most High God".

Where is our focus? Do we see? I would love to hear your thoughts about temptation and responses to today's readings. What verse jumped out at you today? Comments and questions are welcomed.


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