Simple Wisdom: Decisions Determine Destiny

One Year Bible (Sep. 5)

Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14

Decisions Determine Destiny

Forrest Gump: “What’s my destiny, Mama?”

Mrs. Gump: “You’re going to have to figure that out for yourself.”

Can you relate to Solomon’s struggle with “Chasing the Wind”?

Why do you think that God gave Solomon great wisdom but also wealth and fame?

Perhaps, God gave him more than he ever could possibly need so that he could share with us this message of “Vanity and Meaningless”!

He was a living lesson that wealth is not the key to happiness. Wisdom is not the key to peace, and fame is not the key to security. He was certainly living “high on the hog” but his spirit was very low after everything was said and done. He had more than he could possibly want but not what he truly needed!

There is another quote from Forrest Gump that I really like, “There’s only so much fortune a man needs, and the rest is just for showing off.”

Yesterday I shared with you the visual of all of my parent’s belongings laying out on the pavement of their driveway. That was a sobering picture for me and a reminder that we can’t take all of our “stuff with us”.

That thought brought Solomon to despair because when he came to the end of his life he “blew it” spiritually and it cost him the kingdom. All of his life’s work was for nothing! The temple, palace, and city would be in RUIN!

Can you imagine a man who “HAS IT ALL” being “Empty”? TRAGIC!

Can you comprehend a famous person with all fame, prestige, and wealth, killing themself? Tragically, it happens so often…That is Solomon’s stern warning to us.

We shake our heads with disbelief and somehow hold to the illusion that if we could just win “The Lottery Dream Home” all our troubles would go away… Solomon reminds us that “EVERYTHING WILL GO AWAY”, but that won’t include our troubles.

Solomon is here to share with us a truth that God allowed him to experience. He was given all wisdom, wealth, and fame and it was NEVER ENOUGH. Not for Solomon or even for famous, rich, stars of our time.

Solomon found a lot of self-satisfaction in his fame as a builder. He built the temple and the greatest palace ever, and then he kept right on building…idols for his foreign wives and destruction for his soul. He was certainly “Chasing the Wind”.

He was not building an eternal destiny with God; he was building “to the wind”...

Let’s go back and look at one of the most important passages in Ecclesiastes.

Two people are better off than ONE, for they can help each other SUCCEED. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” (4:9-12)

This passage reframes SUCCESS for us, doesn’t it?

Solomon had 1000 women in his palace that were his, but who did he belong to that encouraged him to be accountable to God? Who did he invest his life in?

This leads me to a question that all mankind must answer, “What do we really need, and what would ever be enough”?

Perhaps you have read studies about the basic needs of mankind. There are different variations on this seem theme.

First, we need safety and security. (Food, water, clothing, sleep, shelter)

Secondly, every person needs love and connection.

Thirdly, we need a sense of belonging, and to be part of a community.

Fourth, we need esteem and respect. (Our life matters.)

Lastly, we need a purpose that involves development, expansion, and contribution).

Let’s look at how our essential needs are met through “New Testament Eyes”. God offers all of our essential needs to be met through the gift of redemption through His Son, His bride the church, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Solomon didn’t know of an afterlife and a HOPE for all eternity but we as Christians do know of our eternal destiny. God not only meets our needs on earth but will transform us from glory to glory. We don’t have to worry about leaving our little “mansion” down here, because we are going to live in a mansion and walk on the streets of gold.

Our destiny is HEAVEN, and this understanding changes EVERYTHING!

There is a song by the 2nd Chapter of Acts that has always stuck deep in my heart because it poses an important question, “You don’t know which way the wind blows. So, how can you plan tomorrow?” (Which Way the Wind Blows)

What everyday choices will we make that determine our destiny?

“For they sew to the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”

(Hosea 8:7)

Thank you Mighty King Solomon and Simple Forrest Gump for important life lessons!

Simple Wisdom…Decisions Determine Destiny!

Debbie Sempsrott

There truly is no “Hood” like “Motherhood”!  As an adoptive mom and as a mom of a child of special needs, Debbie Sempsrott has a special calling to support and encourage other moms.  She is also a very proud “Nana” to two little boys. (Is there such a thing as “Nana-hood”?) Debbie is a pastor’s wife, women’s ministry leader, and a fourth-grade teacher.  She will be the first to tell you that her life has been changed by women who have mentored her life as “mothers in the faith”. From mothering to mentoring, to encouraging women in the ministry, Mom-Sense has endless opportunities to encourage women through-out the entire Imperial Valley and beyond. What a blessing it will be to see counseling provided for women with hurting hearts and to connect women who lead in ministry.  The possibilities for Mom-Sense are unlimited with prayer and support as we follow God’s leading. Debbie is so thankful for the Mom-Sense team as we begin this new chapter in ministry. Together, we will CHOOSE LIFE, EMBRACE LIFE, and SPEAK LIFE! What a great privilege we have to encourage women in the Imperial Valley together!


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