The Sabbath Rest

Today is actually Saturday which is when the Jewish people celebrate the Sabbath. Not only that, but our reading today in Luke 13: 1-21 is all about the Sabbath and the lack of the Sabbath. So, let's dig in...

"One Sabbath day as Jesus was teaching in a synagogue, he saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent double for eighteen years, and unable to stand up straight. (Umm, that would be 18 LONG years!) When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, 'Dear woman, you are healed of your sickness' Then he touched her, and instantly she could stand straight. How she praised God!"

Most often people become angry with God for what he doesn't do that they think he SHOULD do... like heal everyone they know of their physical illnesses. If God did this, by the way, this would be called Heaven not earth! We would all be healed and never die. Would you want to stay in an imperfect world like this? (But I regress, so back to the story at hand.)

"But the leader in charge of the synagogue was indignant that Jesus had healed her on the Sabbath day." (Luke 13: 14) He wants Jesus to heal on the other six days but do no "work" on the Sabbath.

Please, notice that the passage tells us very clearly that this woman had an evil spirit that was behind her physical suffering. She had been cursed. This is the day of the "Sabbath" which was a day to remember God's mighty power and celebrate their freedom from slavery, but not this woman. The big guy in charge (religious leader) wanted her left in her broken condition! Jesus has a few thoughts on the high priest's little "recommendation or judgment"- if you will.

Check out Luke 13: 14 Ff for the play-by-play of this encounter. Jesus replies by:

  1. Calling this religious leader a hypocrite, and telling him "where to put it". Basically, he tells him where to put his mouth, his donkey, and his oxen. This man does actual physical work on the Sabbath according to the law by untying his animals. He tends to physical things, but He doesn't want Jesus to tend to this woman's "spiritual need" on the Lord's day.

  2. Jesus points out how appropriate it is for this "dear woman, a daughter of Abraham, who is being held in bondage by Satan for eighteen years, to be released on the Sabbath". (vs. 16)

Please, note that this 'shamed his enemies' but all the people rejoiced in the wonderful things Jesus did on the Sabbath. He was truly resting in his Father's power and proclaiming His Father's presence over evil on His Father's Day!

Now, we notice that immediately after this encounter there is an interesting teaching for all of us to reflect on. Jesus asks them, "What is the Kingdom of God like?"

Do we know the real Kingdom of God when we see it, versus the religion of man?

Jesus gives us two examples. He says that it is like a tiny mustard seed that grows to become a tree where birds make nests in its branches. He also compares it to yeast that a woman used in making bread. Although she only put a little yeast into her mix, it permeated every part of the dough.

Perhaps, we have confused "vacation" with "Sabbath rest". Sabbath was given to the people to "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." (Exodus 20: 8-11). Who kept this day holy? The religious leader or Jesus?

In today's reading in the OT, we see that Moses was reaching "the end of his tour of duty", so what does he do? He blesses the people. Those are the words "seeds of hope" that he leaves as his legacy.

In our NT passage, we see that Jesus encounters a "cursed" woman who is suffering. What does he do? He blesses her and restores her. He sets her free!

What about us? Do we take time to "Remember the Lord our God and keep it holy"? What is the Kingdom of God really like?

A little seed that is planted can grow into a shelter for others. Likewise, a little leaven can permeate every part of the dough. Jesus stopped to remember his God by touching one person--one broken woman.

Our reading today ends with Proverbs 12: 25, "Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up."

Do you and I have a seed or a little leaven to throw in the direction of someone that really needs it?

What is the Kingdom of God really like, a vacation or a Sabbath rest?

I would love to invite you to share your thoughts, questions, and responses to today's reading. Together in God's Word, we grow stronger.

By Betty Predmore

I think we do confuse the meaning of rest. It really isn’t taking a vacation filled with things to do and see, even though that is a fun thing to do. True rest is sitting still in his presence, listening for his still small voice and taking in the glory of your surroundings that he so majestically created. Rest is not just hearing him, but truly listening. Rest is soaking in all your thoughts of praise for all he has done for you.

We should all be nurturing our "seeds" and looking for those who are hurting and broken, who need the freedom of Christ and the hope he brings.


The Scarlet Thread


Interpreting the Times