Signs & Wonders (April 6, 2022)

April 6, 2022, One Year Bible: (Deut. 29: 1-30: 20, Luke 1:37-12:7, Ps. 78: 1-31, and Prov. 12: 19-20.)

Have you ever thought that it would be easier for you to trust God if he would just show you a few awesome signs and wonders?

For instance, have you heard some of the amazing testimonies coming out of Ukraine where people who were seeking God have been delivered, rescued, and unexplainably spared destruction?

Then our mind begins to think... why not rescue and spare everyone? How can God allow evil people to impose atrocities on harmless children, sick people, the disabled, and just plain good people? Why?

In today's passage in Deuteronomy, we see that the Israelites saw plenty of miracles and amazing wonders.

Was this enough for them?

Is it enough for us?

What was the problem for them and for us?

I would love to hear your thoughts...


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