Keeping Silent
1 CORINTHIANS 14: 18-40
(August 22)
How do you feel when you are told to keep silent? Do you feel annoyed, hindered, unappreciated, or resentful? Or do you feel relieved that you don't have to speak? Maybe you take it as if people think you don't know what you are talking about, so why waste their time, or that what you know isn't useful?
Personally, I typically have something to say. And I like to say it. Having said that, I also recognize the importance of the times when silence is more appropriate for a situation.
Reading verse 34 of Chapter 14 might tend to make some women frustrated. Women should be silent during the church meetings It is not proper for them to speak. They should be submissive, just as the law says. Hmmmm.
I was recently reading in one of the 5 different bibles I have open on my desk right now that many believe Paul disliked women. A lot of that belief comes from the Scripture in today's reading. But that is really not the truth at all. 1 Corinthians 11:5 shows us that women prayed and prophesied in public often. Chapters 12-14 also tell us that women are given spiritual gifts, right along with the me. And they are encouraged to use them for the betterment of the body of Christ.
In the culture of that place and time, women did not confront men in public, but some of these new believers thought that they were now free to question the men during times of public worship. This was causing a real problem in the church, as were the tendencies of ALL to use their spiritual gifts, given to them by God, for their own benefit and notoriety.
Paul is making a request that these women in Corinth not flaunt their Christian freedom during worship. His purpose was not to humiliate or anger the women. He wanted to promote unity amongst the congregation.
In no way was this to indicate a prejudice against women. It is clear that God gives women the gifts of intellect, leadership, and many other spiritual gifts.
So, I guess the moral of the story is ... we should all know we are valued as women of God. We should understand that we possess many unique qualities and gifts that will do much to further the Kingdom of God, and He intends for us to be mighty and strong witnesses for him ... in our homes, with family and friends, in our workplace, community, and churches.
However, even if we are the "chatterbox" type, there really is a time for keeping silent. The trick is to have the wisdom to know when.