Big Talkin’

One Year Bible (April 29)

Judges 9:22-10:18

“Big Talkin’”

Perhaps you have heard the saying, “Don’t fight fire with fire!’

Why? Ummm, because it is hot, combustible, and leaves a big burn…

James 3:6 says this, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell, but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”

Who sets the tongue on fire??? Did you catch it? “Is itself set on fire by hell”. Hmmm, that doesn’t sound pleasant. Does it?

Today’s OT passage found in Judges 8:18-9:21 is an excellent reminder of how we need control of our tongue, even as we face the worst of evils.

During the annual harvest festival at Shechem, the wine was flowing freely and so was the “gabbing” that went with “the flow”. Funny how that works! Everyone began cursing Abimelech. A man named Gaal joined in the banter and said, “If I were in charge here, I would get rid of Abimelech. I would say to him, ‘Get some soldiers, and come out and fight’.”

Now, you would think that God would be happy about this and bless Gaal’s plan to strike down the worst of the worst evil rulers. As it turns out, Gaal’s bragging led to his own demise. Abimelech “Fought that fire with literal fire”! Just for starters, “Abimelech the Audacious” killed over a thousand of Gaal’s fellow men. Next, they spread salt and branches and set fire to the walls of the temple. Gaal and all of his people were easy prey. Destruction followed his tongue.

What is interesting to note is who and what actually took down the “Evil Abimelech”. It was an unnamed woman who dropped a millstone on his head, crushing his skull!!!

Mind-Blowing?? Literally!

What a strange turn of events. Is there any rhyme or reason here? Well, it might be helpful for us to go back to the very beginning of this chapter study for today. Here is how the story begins… “God sent a spirit that stirred up trouble between Abimelech and the leading citizens of Shechem, and they revolted. God was punishing Abimelech for murdering Gideon’s seventy sons, and the citizens of Shechem for supporting him in this treachery of murdering his brothers.” (Judges 9: 23-24)

He didn’t need a bragger to take down even the vilest king. Nor did he invite Gaal to do any such thing!

What does this little story mean to you and me today?

Just as Gaal was “venting in the spirit” (his wine) many Christians “vent in their spirit” (their whine!). Sometimes they call it “sharing in the Spirit”, “discernment”, or “righteousness”.

When something is not to our liking in the “kingdom”, we consider ourselves the authority on what should be done. If something hurts our feelings, someone else is obviously wrong!

As Gaal said, “If I was the leader”...oh the fire and destruction that follows “Big Talkin’”!

Let me just ask you a little question, “Who is at the center or source of dissension and division in the church”? Is it really weak, sinful people, or is there something bigger behind this?

Ephesians 6:12 provides the ‘behind the scenes” picture for us, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The battle found in Judges 9-10 was the Lord’s battle and He was already “On It”. He really didn’t need “Gaal’s gossip” to get the job done! All his big words accomplished was to start a fire which became a literal fire with much destruction!

So, what if we agree that the enemy is behind all of the evil going on? What are we to do about it if “gabbing like Gaal” really isn’t that helpful?

“But even Michael, one of the mightiest of the angels, did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy, but simply said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!” Jude 1:9

My friends, the only “Big Talkin’” we should be doing is to the one with infinite wisdom, judgment, and grace.

Long story. Short Summary--The Battle Belongs to the Lord-- Then. Now. Forevermore!

Now, that’s some Big Talkin’ worth talkin’ about!


Rise Up


Seeing is Believing