For Such a Time as This: The People’s Princess

One Year Bible (Aug. 20)

Esther 8:1-10:3 (Part Three)

“The People’s Princess"

“Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can”…” Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” ….I’d like to be a queen in people’s hearts.”

(Famous Quotes of Princess Diana)

Princess Diana brought a new admiration to the monarchy. Her short-lived life ended in utter tragedy. She was surrounded by wealth and ease but her soul was empty and filled with tumult. Yet, she will forever be remembered for her beauty, smile, and grace.

Today we look at another woman born to royalty who was truly “The People’s Princess”.

Perhaps, you may be thinking, “Isn’t she a Queen and not a Princess”?

She was the daughter of the MOST HIGH KING and through HIS PROVIDENCE she “Was Born for Such a Time As This”.

Providence means Pro-” Before”-Video--” I see”. We see a “snapshot”, but God sees the entire video from beginning to end. God saw in advance what the people “would do” and “not do” and as a covenant-keeping God. We see that Esther was “The People’s Princess” because her rise to the throne was for the very purpose of saving the Jewish nation from genocide.

So, now let’s go back in the story and look at the providential hand of God at work as what was “HIDDEN” is now being “REVEALED”.

First, remember how Mordecai warned his cousin, Queen Esther, of the assassination threat to the King’s life? The attempt was stopped and the King knew that he could put his trust in Esther. However, nothing was done to recognize or even thank Mordecai. That fact remained hidden…

Next, Mordecai warns Esther because God had placed him in a position to have “inside information” and contact with where Esther was kept. She had found favor in the king’s eyes but she had not been called in to see the king for the last thirty days. (4:11) Because of Mordecai’s words, she now knows of the threat to her people and responds to the call to take a stand “For Such A Time As This”.

How does she take this stand? She fasts and prays along with Mordecai and all of the Jewish believers of Susa for THREE DAYS… When we fast it is an invitation for the INVISIBLE to be made VISIBLE!

Why did Queen Esther say these famous words? “If I perish. I perish”. (4:16)

Although she was “The Queen” she had no right to approach this earthly king except for what he gave her.

Secondly, the king did not know she was Jewish.

Thirdly, Haman had made an irreversible edict to annihilate the Jews with the King’s official seal. It was irrevocable.

This sure looks like Checkmate through human eyes, but they are now FASTING and PRAYING to the God who seems INVISIBLE and HIDDEN.

After Fasting and praying, Esther appears in the courtyard without a summons from the king, because she has a higher summons from the KING OF KINGS.

The king receives her and accepts her invitation to come to a banquet with Haman as her guest.

Indeed it seems strange to us that while Haman is actually building a gallows to hang Mordecai on, Esther says and does NOTHING but invite them to a second banquet. It is apparent that she is NOT doing ANYTHING of her own strength.

Haman is “Feelin’ Fine! Mighty Fine”... And it is time for

"MORE WINE… Mighty Fine WINE!”

In that very moment, everything begins to unravel… the HIDDEN is REVEALED...

You see, the king had insomnia the night before the second banquet and could not sleep. He read the books with the report about Mordecai saving his life. He then asks Haman how to honor a man that is a hero, and of course, Haman has himself in mind.

Before you know it, Mordecai is being dressed in royal clothes and led through the city square on a horse. If that wasn’t bad enough, his walk of SHAME now turns into a walk of PAIN!

The King finds out that Esther and Mordecai are Jewish and that Haman has plotted to kill all of their people. Mordecai's intended gallows become Haman’s hanging and Mordecai becomes second in power in the entire land.

I guess you could say that Esther’s FEASTTurned the TABLES” because the INVISIBLE guest had been invited through PRAYER and FASTING.

The DEATH VERDICT became their DELIVERANCE and that is why the Jewish still celebrate the holy day of “PURIM” even today.

PUR” (9:26) is the word for the “Rolling of Dice” that Haman used to determine their day of extinction. Haman may have “CAST the DICE” but Sovereign God always “CASTS the FUTURE.

“The People’s Princess” put her life, faith, and trust in God's PROVIDENTIAL HAND!!

Debbie Sempsrott

There truly is no “Hood” like “Motherhood”!  As an adoptive mom and as a mom of a child of special needs, Debbie Sempsrott has a special calling to support and encourage other moms.  She is also a very proud “Nana” to two little boys. (Is there such a thing as “Nana-hood”?) Debbie is a pastor’s wife, women’s ministry leader, and a fourth-grade teacher.  She will be the first to tell you that her life has been changed by women who have mentored her life as “mothers in the faith”. From mothering to mentoring, to encouraging women in the ministry, Mom-Sense has endless opportunities to encourage women through-out the entire Imperial Valley and beyond. What a blessing it will be to see counseling provided for women with hurting hearts and to connect women who lead in ministry.  The possibilities for Mom-Sense are unlimited with prayer and support as we follow God’s leading. Debbie is so thankful for the Mom-Sense team as we begin this new chapter in ministry. Together, we will CHOOSE LIFE, EMBRACE LIFE, and SPEAK LIFE! What a great privilege we have to encourage women in the Imperial Valley together!


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