The People’s Choice
One Year Bible (July 11)
I Chronicles 11:1-12:18
The People’s Choice
The people have spoken and the nominees for the greatest influence in Israel’s History are…
(Music Builds… Break away to commercial.)
Before we announce our Post-Exile PCA awards, we would like to take time to recognize all of our sponsors and those returning to our homeland for a brighter future…
(Break-a-way to a NINE CHAPTER GENEOLOGY INFORMATIONAL of those returning from Babylonian Exile.)
Today our PCA awards would like to give you a little introduction to the book of I Chronicles. It is a little confusing as it begins with NINE (Yes, NINE!) long chapters of genealogy. These are the lists of the people who are the lineage of God’s people, and those that are returning home from exile.
Now, as we get ready to begin tonight’s award ceremony, (Ch 9) we need to realize that 'the Chronicler' is looking BACK before their time in EXILE.
To remember WHERE they came from…
WHAT happened that took them into exile…
And HOW they needed to proceed to once again be God’s Chosen People (GCP).
(So, this is the PCA’S for the GCP’S! Got it?)
Our FIRST AWARD chosen by 'the Chronicler' and the people is… Drumroll, please!
For the Category of MADNESS & MOCKERY… King Saul!
The people said to Samuel, “You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways, now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” (I Samuel 8:1)
The book of I Samuel spends much time on the life of Saul. However, I Chronicles’ purpose is to remind, “Out with the Old” and “In with the New”.
So, he is reminding them that it was “The People’s Choice” to cry out for a king other than their God.
"Not-Sorry-Saul" is remembered for his Madness, Melancholy, Mediums, and Mockery.
When Goliath threatened the nation, Saul did NOTHING! NADA! He definitely wins the “ZIP AWARD” as well!
God brought in a young boy with a slingshot to take the giant down! Saul disobeyed the Lord and in his insecurity and pride turned against God. He tried repeatedly to kill the Lord’s anointed. He then consulted a medium rather than turning to God! ( I Chronicles 10:8-14)
He also gave him over to be tormented by evil spirits. Saul had made a MOCKERY of God in his service as king, and the Philistines made a MOCKERY of Saul by cutting off his head and putting it on the temple god, “Dagon”. I Chronicles 10:10)
The Chronicler is reminding the people, “Dagone! That was a BAD mistake!!”
I guess you could say that "Not-Sorry-Saul" got the “DAGONE WORST AWARD” of the evening!
Lots of BLING, but it doesn’t mean a THING!”
Our Second Award for the category of MIGHTY WARRIOR goes to… King David!
David was also “The People’s Choice” but he rose to that position through Adversity and God’s Anointing. That, my friends, is a HUGE difference!
“Then all Israel gathered before David at Hebron and told him, ‘We are your own flesh and blood. In the past, even when Saul was king, you were the one who really led the forces of Israel,. And the Lord your God told you, ‘You will be the shepherd of my people Israel. You will be the leader of my people Israel’ So, there at Hebron, David made a covenant before the LORD with all the elders of Israel.” (I Chronicles 11: 1-3)
“And David became more and more powerful because the LORD of Heaven’s Armies was with him.” (I Chronicles 11:9)
Yes, our Second Award goes to the MIGHTY WARRIOR who reminds us of our victories in God, “So the LORD saved them by giving them a great victory!” ( I Chronicles 11:14)
Our Third Award for the category of Majestic Temples… King Solomon!
The Chronicler will tell us more important details about how Solomon’s father, David, prepared the way for the temple, and 2 Chronicles will focus on the blessing of God’s people through Solomon and the Temple.
Accepting the awards Posthumously (after their death) will be ALL the people returning from EXILE.
This is a solemn time for the people to Remember, Repent, and Rebuild their NEW HOME!
(Oh my, there is quite a commotion going on tonight amongst the people! What are they doing? Let’s listen in. Someone is reading out loud and it appears that they are pouring water!)
“Oh, how I would love some of that good water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem.”
(Yes, those were the very words of David when his three mighty men risked their lives to cross the enemy lines to get him a drink of fresh water. I Chronicles 11:17-19)
“But David refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as an offering to the LORD. ‘God forbid that I should drink this!... This water is as PRECIOUS AS THE BLOOD OF THESE MEN WHO RISKED THEIR LIVES TO BRING IT TO ME’!”
Yes, “The People’s Choice Awards” had done just want The Chronicler had hoped they would do… He must have sat back in his chair with a deep sigh…The thirsty people were now aware of the great gifts already given to them. How could they take them for granted?
The awards would not be trophies, yet their names were written on these tablets. With this gift, they would be able to have land and privileges and begin their journey to a new life.
In these books, they would find his gift of heritage, humility, and hope.
His gift to them was written in his books, I and 11 Chronicles that was filled with healing and hope. He prayed for God’s people that they might once again…
Remember, Repent, and Rebuild!
Thank you for attending tonight's AWARDS and ADMONITIONS.
As you drive home, please be mindful when it comes to “The People’s Choice”!