Reversal in the Land
One Year Bible (Aug. 3)
2 Chronicles 33:14-34:33
Have you seen the new United States currency for the quarter?
The face on the coin, President George Washington used to face towards the words, “In God We Trust”. In the new 2022 coin, he is facing with his back to this phrase. Now, I need to be sure and tell you that “Fact Checks” lets us know that this “redesign” has nothing to do with religious oversight…Perhaps it is a true statement to say that no one in this generation paid any attention to detail such as this as “In God, We Trust” is in the “Rearview Mirror”.
Today’s message is about Hezekiah’s son, Manasseh, and I can assure you that God is definitely in his “Rearview Mirror” also until he finds himself being led with “a ring through his nose” by his enemy the Assyrian army. He is bound in bronze chains and a captive in faraway Babylon.
What a difference one generation can make for the BAD or good!
One minute there is Revival in the Land. The entire nation and beyond sees God Deliver his people from complete Destruction… The aroma of “Rescue in the Land” has now been forgotten and the pungent smell of idols smoldering is filling the land with a complete 180-degree reversal!
Beware as in the days of “Misguided Manasseh”, all of life can change in the “blink of an eye” when ALL EYES are not focused on “In God We Trust”!
Yesterday’s story left us hanging with “Misguided Manasseh” in chains crying out for help from the God who allowed him to be disciplined and taken captive.
Let’s look at how Monasseh got into this situation and how he got out of it…After a great season of Revival with his father, King Hezekiah, we see that Manasseh his twelve-year-old son becomes king and rules for 55 LONG YEARS!
The short story is that he completely UNDID all the good that his father did. He did a 180-degree turn. He "built back better" all the idols that his father tore down, and he even constructed more. He was brazen, brash, bold, and EVIL. He set up a carved idol in the very place where God had told David and his son, Solomon, that HIS name would forever reign. (33:7)
“But, Manasseh led the people of Judah and Jerusalem to do even more evil than the pagan nations that the LORD had destroyed when the people of Israel entered the land.” (33: 9)
Manasseh, like his grandfather, Ahab, sacrificed his own sons in the fire to idols.
Do you remember my question, “What is the PULL with POLES?”
In other words, ‘Why would the people continually turn back to such wickedness when there was NO POWER in a POLE or statue’?
Here is where it gets interesting in the descriptions of his behavior as we will find out what is behind his decisions…”
He practiced SORCERY, DIVINATION, and WITCHCRAFT, and he CONSULTED WITH MEDIUMS and PSYCHICS. He did MUCH that was evil in the LORD’s sight, arousing his anger.” (33:6)
Do we now have a clearer view of what IDOLS provided to the people?
The power was not in the object, but the objects belonged to the DARK SIDE!
People that worship evil and seek out all of these things are looking for a DARK POWER and in seeking EVIL become EVIL.
Let me take just a moment to “spell out” (pun intended) what sorcery means.
They seek to use power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially for divining. The synonyms are conjuring, devilry, enchantment, and bewitchery.
The practice of DIVINATION means to foresee or foretell future hidden knowledge. Witchcraft is the act of invoking evil spirits or consulting, entertaining or covenanting an evil spirit.
A medium or psychic is a person who employs the powers of the DARK REALM to give information about the unknown.
Do we better see the PULL?
The people of God were called to be in a covenant with God and seek Him for the decisions and future. God requires obedience and that man humbles himself rather than EXALT himself in PRIDE.
The Darkside has PRIDE as a foundation and exalts itself through worship of self and its many carnal pleasures. It EXALTS man and man’s evil desires.
You see after every REVIVAL, a great spiritual battle ensues!
Make no mistake, the enemy of God is in no way as powerful as God, but he certainly comes to kill and destroy. He has Manasseh right where he wants him… He is a captive to all of his sins and now belongs to the enemy. Until… he cries out to the Lord for deliverance. (Then Manasseh finally realized that the LORD alone is God.) (33:13)
On this day, God heard his prayer and now “Misguided Manasseh” is on Clean-up Duty!
He has experienced A GREAT AWAKENING and a GREAT REVERSAL is coming...