Prospering the Gospel Instead of Ourselves
Once again, in today's scripture Luke 20:46, something struck me to be so like our current times.
"Beware of these teachers of religious law! For they like to parade around in flowing robes and live to receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces. And how they live the seats of honor in the synagogues and the head table at banquets."
Our "religious world" is full of pastors and teachers that have risen to high regard. They have television channels, write books (and sell those books in their church bookstores), and travel around the world, preaching and giving interviews.
And while none of that is bad in itself, what we typically see is that once the notoriety and fame come into play, they lose sight of the gospel according to the Word of God and it becomes "the gospel according to ____" (insert name)
They fly around in their fancy planes, live in their mansions, and rarely give according to their riches.
They start to teach what the people "want " to hear instead of the truth that they need to hear. People get fooled, give their money away, and never quite reach the true relationship with Christ.
The Prosperity Gospel is a real threat today. And we need to be thankful that there are still pastors in our world who are truly devoted to God and to advancing his kingdom, even through their own sacrifice., not one...should esteem themselves higher than the Lord.