All for His Glory

1 PETER 4:7 - 5:14

(November 26)

Are you willing to go the extra mile for someone? Will you willingly sacrifice for the good of others? These are traits of a true believer and follower of Christ.

Being clear-minded and self-controlled, knowing the gifts we possess, and using them to serve God and others, is a beautiful example of love and hospitality. When we use our abilities to help others, God is praised.

Will this bring suffering to us? Sometimes. Is it worth it? Absolutely! Anytime we suffer while doing the will of God, we are showing our faithfulness to our Father.

Peter saw what Jesus went through as he suffered for the sake of mankind. He was one of the three apostles who saw the glory of Christ at the transfiguration. He found himself often being the spokesman for the apostles. He witnessed the death and resurrection of his friend, preached at Pentecost, and found himself in the role of being a pillar in the Jerusalem church.

When he wrote to the elders of the church, he wrote as an elder himself, not as anyone superior to them. His request was that they act as "shepherds of God's flock," which is what Jesus had requested of him. So, Peter was actually taking his own advice and worked alongside the others in caring for the believers. His example is one of Christian leadership, demonstrating an authority that is based on service, not power.

When we act in this way, humbling ourselves, God exalts us. Submission is the key to Christian life. Wouldn't you rather have the recognition of God over the recognition of others?

Keep in mind, if Satan is God's enemy, he is our enemy too. And he will do whatever he can to keep us walking in pride and arrogance, living life for ourselves, instead of walking in humility and service, doing all things for the glory of God.

Betty Predmore

Betty Predmore is a writer, blogger, speaker and ministry leaders. She is the founder of Mom-Sense, Inc., a ministry designed for mentorship, connection and service to women of all life circumstances. Through this ministry, women are encouraged and supported with scripture and life application. Mom-Sense helps women overcome life struggles through small group classes with biblical curriculum, individual counseling, bible studies, and other areas of support.

Betty also directs the Imperial Valley Life Center, which is a non-profit faith-based pro life women’s resource center. She has a passion for saving the unborn and supporting mothers through pregnancy and motherhood.

Betty loves to speak at events, sharing the love of Jesus with other women. She does this through practical life application mingled with God’s word, and sprinkled with humor. Having experienced a broken home, divorce, abuse, grief, single motherhood, blended families, and adoption, she uses the broken places and movement of God in her own life to share His word in an inspiring way. She enjoys sharing her blogs on social media as a way of reaching out on a broader spectrum. Betty has many speaking topics which can be found on her website:

As an author, she has had the opportunity to impact women and reach deep into their hearts with her words of inspiration and encouragement. Through Pondering Virtue and Whispered Grace, she has created wonderful tools for the woman who is seeking direction in her spiritual walk.

Betty serves on the writing team of A Wife Like Me, and is also a contributor to Moms Encouraging Moms and Gift of Thorns. Her blogs have appeared in several magazine publications throughout the years including Southern Faith Magazine, Purposeful Life, and Aspiring Woman Magazine.

While Betty thrives on her ministry opportunities, her greatest blessings come from being a wife to Jim and a mama to their wonderful collection of children, who bring joy, laughter, and an occasional tear to her days.


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