The Conspiracy
ACTS 23: 11-35 (July 5)
I recently finished watching a series on Netflix called Shooter. It was based on a movie of the same name, in which Mark Wahlberg played the main character. In the series, the character of Bob Lee Swagger was played by Ryan Phillipe. While it was sometimes violent, I was glued to the television because of the story line.
The entire storyline revolves around a conspiracy between U.S. and Russia. People in top levels were involved, people no one would imagine. And throughout the series, with all the various events that happened, one thing remained the same. They were all out to kill Bob Lee.
Paul finds himself in a similar position. After being taken back to the fortress by the commander, the Lord appeared to Paul, saying, "Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well."
You will notice the Lord is personally praising him, with no condemnation whatsoever, for the same thing the others are persecuting him for. That is how Paul stood strong in the face of so many trials. He knew he was pleasing God.
Is that enough to keep us strong and on the right path when trials and temptations come our way? Hmmm...something to think about.
The next morning a group of Jews got together ... and this is where the conspiracy is born, with over forty involved. They bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul. They went to the leading priests and elders and told them of this decision.
Fortunately, Paul's nephew heard about the conspiracy and went to tell Paul. Paul called one of the Roman officers over and asked him to take the young man to the commander so he could repeat what he had heard.
Paul's nephew told the commander all about the plot to kill his uncle. "Don't let anyone know you told me this," the commander warned him.
The commander called in a couple of officers, telling them, "Get 200 soldiers ready to leave for Caesarea at nine o'clock tonight. Also take 200 spearmen and 70 mounted troops. Provide horses for Paul to ride and get him safely to Governor Felix (who was hated by the Jews)."
He wrote a letter to be sent along with Paul, explaining what had happened to Paul. He told the Governor he would ask that all charges against Paul be sent to Governor Felix to deal with.
Did he do this for the sake of Paul and his safety? Absolutely not! He did it for the sake of his own power and reputation. If the Jews had killed Paul, a Roman citizen, it would have looked very bad for the commander, and he would've needed to answer to his superiors.
Paul was taken to Caesarea where he met with Governor Felix. After reading the letter, he told Paul that if his accusers came, he would hear the case himself.
We have to continue our reading to see what happens next. But I can tell you for certain that through all the seasons of Shooter, Bob Lee never got killed, despite The Conspiracy.