A City of David
One Year Bible May 25, 2022
2 Samuel 7:2-8:18
“The City of David”
Finally home! After all of David’s wanderings, we learned in yesterday’s reading that David is finally home. The city of David is the historical name given to an archaeological site on the southeast hill of East Jerusalem.
Yes, Jerusalem! As in the place where Jesus preached, was crucified, died, and was resurrected.
Yes, Jerusalem! The place spoken of by Jesus.
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” (Mt. 23: 37)
Yes, Jerusalem! While we are always wondering what is taking so long, God is always at work. Look at how all of this is coming together.
Perhaps, this would be a good time for us to look at how God has been weaving His covenant plan through His work in David. In today’s passage, God reminds David how he got where he is, and what his future is going to look like.
First, we see that God values the SMALL and seemingly INSIGNIFICANT.
God used young David to slay the giant with only a slingshot and a stone... and a large helping of FAITH. ( I Samuel 17)
What proceeded this GIGANTIC feat?
Do we remember that Samuel, The Judge, was grieving over Saul’s disobedience and disregard for the Lord? So the Lord spoke to Samuel, “Rise and anoint him; he is the one.” So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and “from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power.” ( I Samuel 16)
Who did God select? Samuel looked over all the sons of Jesse. Nope! Nope!! Not that One!!!
Finally, Samuel asked Jesse, if he had any other sons. Jesse hesitated and then told Samuel he had just one more who was out tending the sheep. David was the youngest of his sons. It was as if Jesse was thinking to himself, “It can’t possibly be that God would want my youngest and smallest to be the anointed king.”
The greatest of all Israel’s kings was a small, young, insignificant boy who would be of the lineage of Jesus.
Do you know that Jesus was called the “Son of David”? When the blind man, Bartimaeus, sat on the road crying out he said, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” (Mark 10:47)
Oh by the way, where did Jesus meet Bartimaeus? He was leaving Jericho, being followed by a large crowd as he was heading to celebrate the Passover in…
Yes, Jerusalem! (Is that too cool or what?)
We also see in this passage that God EMPOWERS those that HE ANOINTS!
Here is why this anointing by the people was so anticlimatic… David was already chosen and anointed by oil of God’s choosing through Samuel, the Judge. He was probably only about 15 years of age when “The Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power.” ( I Samuel 16)
David often asked, “How long O Lord, how long?” (Ps. 13:1)
Perhaps, you and I ask that very same question at times…
The author Andrew Murray wrote these profound words, “God is Unwearied Patience.”
As for David’s long-awaited dynasty… “His line shall continue forever, and his throne endure before me like the sun. It shall be established forever like the moon, an enduring witness in the skies.” (Ps. 89: 36-37)
King David. Finally Home. The City of David.
Yes, Jerusalem! God is always up to something!
Yes, Jerusalem! The place where Jesus fulfills the prophecy of Zechariah, making a grand entrance into the city on a donkey revealing his identity as a Messiah.
The City of David. Yes, Jerusalem!
“Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Lift up your gates and sing, Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna to your King!” -- “The Holy City”--Jerusalem By Michael Maybrick.