Simple Wisdom: Chasing the Wind
One Year Bible (Sep. 3)
Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:12
SIMPLE WISDOM: Chasing the Wind
“Stupid is as stupid does”. --Forrest Gump
This quote was given when Forrest Gump was asked if he was stupid. His reply was a simple way of saying that a person should be judged by their actions and not just their appearance.
What makes us think that King Solomon is an expert that we should listen to concerning the theme of MEANING? Solomon often refers to meaninglessness in life as “Chasing the Wind”.
The point is that this futility leads you in no certain direction leaving a person in a place of pointless insignificance. What does life matter when all is said and done?
Solomon is undoubtedly writing this book at the end of his life and looking back on his legacy and he is certainly melancholy. In today’s reading, he even dares to say that...
“the dead are better off than the living. But most fortunate of all are those who are not yet born. For they have not seen all the evil that is done under the sun.” (4:2-3)
He goes on to say, “Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless--like CHASING THE WIND.” (4: 4)
Let’s look back on Solomon’s privileged life. He was selected to take the throne by his father David and was the one allowed the privilege of building the palace and temple.
We see that God appeared and spoke to Solomon TWO TIMES.
The first time God came to Solomon, God promised that HE would grant Solomon’s request for wisdom. God not only granted him more wisdom than any living person, but he also granted him fame, power, and incredible wealth. (I Kings 3)
The second time God came to Solomon was after the dedication of the temple. God had answered Solomon’s request and would make the temple HIS permanent home to dwell with HIS people. He tells Solomon that he must serve HIM with integrity and sincerity, just as his father did.
“Do everything I commanded and obey my rules and regulations. Then I will allow your dynasty to rule over Israel permanently, just as I promised your father David. You will not fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel.” (I Kings 9:1-9)
Here is the rest of the story, BUT, if you or your sons ever turn away from me, fail to obey, refuse to follow, worship other gods… Then, I will remove Israel, abandon this temple, Israel will be mocked, ridiculed, and lay in ruins.”
What does Solomon know about “Foolishness”?
Well… a lot, actually!
God warned Solomon, and unfortunately, the wisest man in the world did NOT heed the warning!
“He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives, turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD, his God, as the heart of David his father had been.” (I Kings 11:3-4)
As Forrest Gump put it, “Stupid is as Stupid does.”
Solomon proves to us that a man can have intellect, fame, and riches but when God is not at the center and that man has a divided heart ruin will surely come… and it did!
When Solomon talks about Vanity, and about how all is lost and someone else will take your place and you won’t even be remembered, can you glimpse at the utter destruction coming his way because of his sin?
David’s son, Solomon, was the last of the kings of the united kingdom, His sin was the reason for the division of the united kingdom. It would not be destroyed and placed in ruin during his life out of respect to his father, David. However, God was going to judge Solomon for his deeds.
This man “Brought the house down” by his foolishness and “CHASING OF THE WIND”.
Can we begin to relate to this kind of pain, to know that you are the reason for the destruction and captivity of an entire nation because you had sought after pleasure, idolatry, and many wives?
Perhaps you have heard the saying, “The more you have the more you want.” Solomon had wealth beyond wealth, and wives beyond wives, and yet his heart cried out for more… MORE always cries out for MORE! We crave what we seek. Sadly, Solomon was not truly seeking God with a whole heart and his wanting MORE led him to utter futility!
As I read this book, I often am struck by the depth of a broken heart. You see, he started WELL, but he did NOT finish well. “Finishing is better than starting”. (Job 7:8)
May we remember the example and words of King Solomon, Vanity is the result of “Chasing the Wind” rather than “Running after God.”