Humpty Dumpty

One Year Bible (June 3, 2022)

2 Samuel 20:14-21:22

“Humpty Dumpty”

“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.” (Humpty Dumpty, Nursery Rhyme)

Have you ever wondered why this was taught as a nursery rhyme to young children? My thoughts, exactly. It was first introduced in the 1700s throughout England. There are many fables behind it, but not many facts. Of all the messages covered as the background, none seem particularly appropriate for children.

Perhaps, that is my problem with the story today. I am still a child at heart, and what happened in this story is really not what we would want for a rhyme or song.

Somehow through time, the graphics of “Humpty Dumpty” have taken the form of “An Egg-like Character”.

Today’s character whose head “comes flying over the wall” is definitely “NOT A GOOD EGG”, and it’s not childproof either!

There is a famous quote from Rudyard Kipling that goes like this, “The silliest woman can manage a clever man, but it needs a clever woman to manage a fool.” (Pretty good, huh?)

2 Samuel 20:16 calls the woman who brings down “Shifty Sheba” a “Wise Woman”. She is clever and was needed to manage this foolish man. Her wisdom gains the ear of Joab, saves the lives of her entire town, and removes the biggest threat to King David. Joab never even lifts his sword, (and trust me when I say that he is not known as “Jabbing Joab” for nothing!)

Without a single life being lost, This wise woman says, “Count Me In”, but she uses her words for GOOD. She also has a plan to “Count Sheba Out”.

This entire chapter is about wiping out giants and generational sin! The sins of the fathers were handed down to the next generation. They continue to choose their own evil path versus following the king whom God has chosen and ordained.

This passage gives us some insight into how David is handling all of the attacks and drama going on since his return home. “Once again the Philistines were at war with Israel. And when David and his men were in the thick of battle, David became weak and exhausted.” (21: 15)

David is getting older, and growing tired and weak. The emotional strain has taken a toll on him. He has always been “front and center” in battle leading the people to destroy the enemy. But look at what the leaders have come to realize, “Then David’s men declared, ‘You are not going out to battle with us again! Why risk snuffing out the light of Israel’?” (21: 17)

The Light of Israel”... Can you hear the respect that is shown for God’s anointed servant?

Is David perfect? No, far from it. However, twice the Bible calls David, “A Man After God's Own Heart”. ( I Sam. 13: 14) There was no one to be found who sought after God as David did…

This chapter reminds us that there are “Wise Women” and “Wise Men” out there!

Should the kingdom be ruled by people like “Sheba” who are “calling the shots” with their, “‘I’m Against Campaigns”? Will we sit idly by, listen to, and participate in destructive gossip?

Praise God for this wise woman who stood up to an evil man and preserved the people of her town!

Praise God for these strong men who supported “The Light of Israel”!

When evil comes in your direction, what is your response to the “Sheba’s”?

“Count Me In” to listen, gossip, and then “take my tent” and follow, or “Count Me In” to be the Wise Woman who stands up to evil and brings peace to my entire community?

Remember, that the gossip of a “Shifty Sheba” can take a lot of captives. Divisive words and rebellion can affect entire nations generationally…

Words will stand or they will fall…Wisdom Chooses Well.

May we choose wisely because it’s “Humpty Dumpty Time!"


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