Detours Determine Destiny
One Year Bible: November 25
Daniel 1:1-2:23
Detours Determine Destiny!
“He knows what lies hidden in darkness though he is surrounded by light.” (2:22)
Our son grew up on “Veggies”, but he didn’t always eat them!
He delivered his first sermon before the entire church family (kids and all) at the age of THREE! It was the most miraculous thing that I have ever seen! It was an all-church picnic when “he stepped up to the plate” to hit his “grand slam”.
Our son's sermon was an entire story called, “Dave and the Giant Pickle” from the children’s series, “Veggie Tales”. Every night I would put his stories on his little CD player before he went to sleep. He memorized all of them and sang every song. We were just beginning to learn that this boy is an auditory and visual learner who would one day be a worship leader… “A David”.
But, here’s the back story… our son is adopted and we were privileged to hold him on the day of his birth. However, God was in the “mix” wayyyyy before that took place! His birthmother wanted to name him “David”, the title of his first little sermon! Also, she wanted a home that had sports and music, and she desired this for him before he breathed his first breath.
There is a LOT of importance found in a NAME, and we will see this in today’s story! We will also see how HUGE DETOURS DO NOT DETER God’s Sovereign plan.
This story today is one of my all-time favorites and it is also in the VEGGIE TALE FAMILY.
This episode is called, “Rack, Shack and Benny” which is the nickname for Daniel’s three Jewish friends. I love, love, love how Veggie Tales teaches kids stories from the Bible. They really stick in your head, and the songs sing out in your mind.
Here’s the thing, though… Today’s “Veggie Tale” is much more than a TALE!
The book of Daniel is, Magnificent Miracles and Manifestations of a Mighty God!
Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were only teens (Probably about 17 years old) when they were taken to serve King Nebuchadnezzar in the palace.
When you think of a land being captured and taken into captivity it sounds like they got a pretty “Posh Position” being catered to in the palace. Doesn’t it?
Looking at the “back story” quickly helps us understand their delicate position in this pagan land.
These four teenage lives were entirely changed before they even began their training!
Immediately, they became EUNUCHS in order to serve in the king’s court. This means they were CASTRATED and would never have families or children. This was to make them “safe” to serve. Most eunuchs were made by removing their testicles. Welcome to the kingdom, guys!
Not only did they take away their future, but they also tried to take away their past history.
First, their Jewish identities were removed. Their names as “God’s chosen” were taken away and they were given pagan names with “the meanings of idols attached”.
Daniel means “God is Judge”, but they changed his name to “Belteshazzar”. Hananiah’s name means, “God has been gracious”. Mishael’s name means “Who is what God is”. Azariah’s name means “Yahwah has helped.”
Why did the Babylonians change their names? They couldn’t have them with names that pointed to God as they were a godless, polytheistic land. So, they took away their NAMES, but they couldn’t take away the MESSAGE IN THEIR NAMES.
Did you catch the message hidden in their names? The God who is judge is gracious to us and will show WHO HE IS when He helps us!
Not only that, but they gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar to conceal God’s identity in his life. But, guess what his new name means? Here is what they intended, “Bel’s Prince” for their principal god of Babylon. The name “Belshazzar” means “Bel Protect the King”. His name “Belteshazzar” actually means “Bel would not protect the king”.
They had lost their manhood, and identity, and now they wanted them to eat food that was against their Jewish Mosaic upbringing. They could be eating the king’s best steaks and wine, but they chose to eat “Their Veggies” and water. The word “Pulse” means food from seeds and grains.
You see, they could place their carnality all AROUND them and force pagan names ON them, but they could not take away their heart and allegiance to serve God. Daniel 1: 20 tells us that they found them “TEN TIMES MORE CAPABLE” than any of the other WISE GUYS.
And now, for the rest of the story… In Biblical names, the meaning of the name Belteshazzar is: “Who lays up treasures in secret”.
Listen to what Daniel prays when he received the vision from God about King Nebuchadnezzar’s disturbing dream. “He reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in the darkness, though he is surrounded by light.” (2:22)
The enemy of God took away these boys' freedom, manhood, and names. However, they could not take away the meaning or miracles attached to their names. God used this painful DETOUR to place them right where HE wanted them to be… speaking to a pagan king!
Oh what a “Veggie Tale” they will TELL…“DETOURS DETERMINE DESTINY”