
John 16: 1-33 (May 27)

My son will be graduating from high school next week. He is enjoying all the end of year fun that comes with being a senior... senior picnic, trip to Disneyland, yearbook signing, early dismissal, and the rest. He is spending a lot of time with these kids he has been doing life with since his adoption in kindergarten.

I talked to him the other day about his future plans. Those plans require moving to another state, far from these familiar faces. I explained to him that the sadness he was feeling about that is a normal passage of life, where a teenager goes from thinking these friends are everything, to a day when they will have trouble remembering the names and faces of their high school class.

Kids grow up. They move on. They scatter to different places, away from each other.

That is what JESUS is telling the disciples in today’s reading. They won’t always be together. They will scatter and have to rely on themselves and the truth they know about God.

He reminds them again that he will soon be leaving them. (Just like the class of 2022) He tells them that his leaving is a good thing, because until he leaves the Holy Spirit won’t come.

He talks of God’s coming judgement of the world because the world has refused to believe him. But for them, the Spirit of truth will guide them. The Spirit will be the message bearer from Jesus to his disciples.

These men are told again that they will mourn when Jesus is taken from them, but they will rejoice when they see him again! ( Sounds like a fun class reunion)

He likens it to labor pains. Oh, the pain we women endure for the sake of birthing our children! My daughter will be facing that pain this Fall, and she is fully prepared for any and all pain relief she can get.

Even so, she will experience some level of pain. But that pain will be so worth it when that sweet baby boy makes his appearance.

That is how the disciples will feel. And it seems they finally get it! “Now we understand that you know everything and there is no need to question you. From this we believe that you came from God.”

FINALLY! Don’t you just know Jesus was glad to hear this?

He goes on to tell them that they will end up leaving him alone, but he won’t really be alone because he is with the Father. He warns them that they will have many trials and sorrows. And they will handle them on their own, with the help of the Holy Spirit because they will be scattered from each other.

I wish I could shield my boy from the trials and sorrows that are sure to come his way. I can only offer him the wisdom that life has taught me... friends and acquaintances are two different things. Acquaintances come and go, but real friends hold tight to their friendship...even when life causes them to scatter.

Betty Predmore

Betty Predmore is a writer, blogger, speaker and ministry leaders. She is the founder of Mom-Sense, Inc., a ministry designed for mentorship, connection and service to women of all life circumstances. Through this ministry, women are encouraged and supported with scripture and life application. Mom-Sense helps women overcome life struggles through small group classes with biblical curriculum, individual counseling, bible studies, and other areas of support.

Betty also directs the Imperial Valley Life Center, which is a non-profit faith-based pro life women’s resource center. She has a passion for saving the unborn and supporting mothers through pregnancy and motherhood.

Betty loves to speak at events, sharing the love of Jesus with other women. She does this through practical life application mingled with God’s word, and sprinkled with humor. Having experienced a broken home, divorce, abuse, grief, single motherhood, blended families, and adoption, she uses the broken places and movement of God in her own life to share His word in an inspiring way. She enjoys sharing her blogs on social media as a way of reaching out on a broader spectrum. Betty has many speaking topics which can be found on her website:

As an author, she has had the opportunity to impact women and reach deep into their hearts with her words of inspiration and encouragement. Through Pondering Virtue and Whispered Grace, she has created wonderful tools for the woman who is seeking direction in her spiritual walk.

Betty serves on the writing team of A Wife Like Me, and is also a contributor to Moms Encouraging Moms and Gift of Thorns. Her blogs have appeared in several magazine publications throughout the years including Southern Faith Magazine, Purposeful Life, and Aspiring Woman Magazine.

While Betty thrives on her ministry opportunities, her greatest blessings come from being a wife to Jim and a mama to their wonderful collection of children, who bring joy, laughter, and an occasional tear to her days.




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