Light in the Darkness
John 12:20-50 (May 22)
Today we see some Greeks arriving in Jerusalem for the Passover. They have heard about Jesus and want to meet him. (Who wouldn't?)
They asked Philip, who tells Andrew about their request. The two of them go to ask Jesus.
Jesus tells them that his time has come to enter into glory. He assures them that his death will be worth it, that many will come to know him.
He tells them that those who want to serve him must follow him. If they follow this world, they will lose their life. But by following him, they will have eternal life.
Jesus talks about being troubled. He is not looking forward to what is coming. But he knows it is the very reason WHY he is there, and that he must follow through.
I can think of times that I had to do something I didn't want to do. I dreaded it so much, but I knew it had to be done. Even though the dread and fear were present, I had the strength to continue. That is where I see Jesus in this part of the story. Dreading... fearing... but KNOWING what he must accomplish.
Jesus tells the crowd that the time for judging has come. "And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself." This reminds me of a song we used to sing in church, that goes a little something like this:
Well, we're gonna' lift up the name of Jesus, shout it everywhere we go. Lift up the name of Jesus, and let the whole world know. He said if I be lifted up, I will draw all men to thee, so LIFT HIM UP! LIFT HIM UP!
Once again, Jesus' words have confused the crowd. "We understand from Scripture that the Messiah would live forever. How can you say the Son of Man will die?" (In other words, what the heck????)
So, Jesus tries to explain. He tells them to "walk in the light" so that darkness will not overtake them. If they put their trust in the light while there is still time, they will become children of the light.
I remember a camping trip with my three youngest right after we adopted them. We pitched out tent in the woods, up the hill a ways from the delightful public restroom. Of course, there were several trips down the hill in the darkness of night to attend to their little bladders.
I took a flashlight with me on those excursions up and down the hill. I couldn't see two steps in front of me without that light. There were dark shadows to the right and the lift, and a whole lotta" funky sounding things in the night.
But that light showed me the way. It cleared a path for me. It gave me safe passage and helped me reach my destination without getting lost.
That is what Jesus does. He lights our way. He pulls us from the pit of darkness and sets us in his brilliant light. He gives us safe passage and a direct path to follow... the Word.
Now, if I can understand that, and if YOU can understand that, why couldn't THEY understand that?
Because despite all the miraculous wonders Jesus had done, there were still so many who didn't believe. They couldn't grasp the concept of this Messiah who talked in riddles.
And there were others wo DID believe but were just too afraid to say they did. They didn't want to face the wrath of the Pharisees so they kept quiet in their belief.
How often do we do that? Keep quiet about something we firmly believe, just because we don't want to rock the boat or create any opposition. We just want to fit in and be a part of the gang.
Jesus doesn't want us to live a "fit in" kind of life. He wants us to STAND OUT! He wants us to STAND UP!! Stand up for the Word of God. Stand up for the broken and the lost. Stand up for the hungry and the poor.
And STAND UP against the enemy of the darkness, who would love nothing more than to keep us trapped in that darkness. Jesus wants us to step out into the LIGHT!
Turn on that flashlight. Step out in faith. Let Jesus be your Light in the Darkness.