Count Me In

One Year Bible (June 2, 2022)

2 Samuel 19: 11-20:13

Count Me In”

“Well, you know we all want to change the world. You tell me that it’s evolution Well, you know we all want to change the world… But when you talk about destruction, Don’t you know that you can count me out (in).” (Revolution by The Beatles)

Some people just run towards trouble, and then, they like to drag others away to join them.

Every insurrection begins with these three short words, “COUNT ME IN”!

This story is about just that… The people who drag others into wrong, the consequences that come from following wrong, and the reasons we end up in a bad spot in the first place.

The themes found in today’s reading are Politics. Power. Prestige… and Pride, the connecting thread woven throughout.

Our story today begins with “Shifty Sheba”. Who is this knucklehead anyway?

Well, there is not much information about him at all which leads me to my next question, “Why is all of Israel following this guy?” Hmmm.

So, “Shifty Sheba” is none too happy that King David has just made his triumphal re-entry to his palace after the whole “Absolom Debauchery Debacle”.

The people want to make David the king over all of the tribes and are basically fighting for his attention and arguing over how the announcement should be made when “Shifty Sheba” enters from STAGE LEFT… FAR-LEFT!

Here is what we know about this guy. “Shifty Sheba” is a Benjamite (from Saul’s side of the family.) Ohhhhhhh, GOT IT! It is always about “Who you know”, isn’t it? As in “Have your people call my people” “Shifty Sheba” is calling his people loudly, with a Ram’s horn, in fact.

Listen to his marching orders: “We have no share in David, Nor do we have an inheritance in the son of Jesse; Every man to his tents, O Israel!” This is REBELLION and “Shifty Sheba” is the RINGLEADER.

Here is the “NO” platform he is running on:

  1. No Rights! (To David’s sovereignty)

  2. No Value! (To the King’s Identity)

  3. No Way! (To the King’s plan)

Here is his slogan: “Just Say NO”! Now, he just needs to “Stay on Message”, and he does.

In addition to “The Sheba Situation”, David also has to deal with another “Welcome Home House Warming”, of sorts. Perhaps, you remember AHITHOPHEL, who gave some rather despicable advice to Absolom, David’s son. He was the grandfather of BATH-SHE-BA, and he told Absolom to get even with his father by sleeping with his ten concubines. They set up a public tent and it was ‘Public Payback” time.

David comes home to deal with the fallout of sin from his son, who is now dead. However, the reminder of his sin awaits him… Ten damaged women. They did not cause any of this, but they will live the rest of their lives in seclusion.

We see “Jabbing Joab” who was waiting for his time to be back in power as a leader in David’s military. He is ruthless in power and sword, and is in rebellion against the one he served!

Rebellion is moving ahead of God through Politics, Power, and Prestige. The results of this kind of insurrection are Damage, Disillusionment, and Destruction.

Have you ever noticed that every kingdom has a “Shifty Sheba”?

All throughout the Old and New Testament, and even in the church today, there just seems to be at least one “Shifty Sheba”! Their goal is to “shift the hearts of men”.

“Down with David” is their mantra. Every “Sheba” has the same message, “Down” with their leader’s background, leadership skills, imperfections, and calling. Who cares that God called them here? “Follow me instead! Pack your tents, (Not your Bibles!) and follow me!”

You know what a “Sheba” is AGAINST, but can you tell from their life and words what they are “FOR”?

There is always someone like a “Sheba”. The Bible tells us “Why” by telling us the “Who”.

“There happened to be a “Troublemaker” there named Sheba… “Down with the Dynasty of David!” (20:1) We call them “Antagonists”. They are a hostile adversary.

What was the result of Shifty Sheba’s Rebellion? “So, ALL the men of Israel deserted David and followed Sheba…” (20:2)

“Shifty Sheba” turned the hearts of All of Israel against The King’s Anointed and they sadly said, “Count Me In”.


Third Time is a Charm

