The Complaint Department
October 9 Jeremiah 12:1-14:10
Object Lessons That Demand Obedience
The Complaint Department
“I have been referred to the complaints department but no one has called me.”-The Sunday Times
That sounds about par for the course! By the way, is there such a thing as “The Complaints Department”?
Well, let me tell you how that really works… “Mam, can you please hold?” (Click) “Mam, I am transferring you to another number.” (Click) (Music playing in the background that is about a concerto in length). (Click. Click.)
"Oh, I am sorry but the warranty for the product does not cover the product. Please hold." (The phone flatlines!)
Speaking of the complaints department, Jeremiah is presently “on hold” as we join him today and he has some complaints of his own (as well as he should!). Let’s be nosy and listen in on the conversation. Shall we?
“Lord, you always give me justice when I bring a case before you. So, let me bring you this complaint: Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy?”... Your name is on their lips, but you are far from their hearts.” (12: 1-2)
Have you ever voiced that very question/complaint?
Perhaps you remember what happened to Jeremiah at the end of our passage from yesterday. It was a rather large issue, as in his enemies were plotting to kill him.
I guess he didn’t read the stars or consult his astrologist to see what was happening. (That’s an inside joke from yesterday’s assassination story. If you haven’t read it you might want to reboot and check it out.)
Actually, The Lord, himself, told Jeremiah that his enemies were making plots against him and he said, “I was like a lamb being led to the slaughter. I had no idea that they were planning to kill me!” (11:19)
Now, you know why God told Jeremiah, “Pray no more for these people, Jeremiah. Do not weep or pray for them, for I will not listen to them when they cry out to me in distress.” (11:14)
The time of grace and mercy has passed and now God’s people will be led into captivity for “an attitude change”. They will be free to seek their own destruction by being given over to the idolatrous nation that they emulate. But, as for God’s people, the remnant of the righteous will be led back home again...eventually.
Why? “God’s name is on their lips, (a swear word or in passing) but NOT in their hearts.
Perhaps, we could think of it this way, Jeremiah is still on hold with the “Complaint Department” but is now being transferred to the “Garments/ Apparel” division…
This is an object lesson that is going to raise a few eyebrows. (Kind of like Isaiah walking naked among the people). Remember the passage in the Bible that says, “They had beheld his glory?” Well, that passage was not about Isaiah or Jeremiah…
This is the object of “The Loincloth”.
In case I just lost you, let me tell you a little bit about this special garment. It was a single piece of cloth wrapped around the hips, typically worn by men in some hot countries as their ONLY garment. It is kind of like when a guy wears a towel wrapped around them when they leave the shower only sturdier. (We hope!)
Here is what Jeremiah is instructed to do by the Lord. He is to go and buy a loincloth and put it on, but not wash it. (He checked that off his list.) Next, he is to take the loincloth he is wearing and go to the Euphrates River and hide it there in the rocks. (Check). Now, he is to push “Pause”.
While we are “On Hold” waiting for the Complaint Department with Jeremiah, let me just take a moment to make a wee little comment here. Many years ago we went tubing in Arizona down a filthy river. We had a wonderful time but afterward we were to meet up with my family at a very nice upscale hotel and we had all of our “River Attire” with us. We brought it in to dry out. All I can say is that they probably had to fumigate our room when we left and none of my family wanted to come near our casa. It was lethal!
So, “A long time afterward” ( You see where this story is going don’t you?), The Lord told him to “go back to the Euphrates River and dig out the hole, but the loincloth was “rotting and falling apart”. The loincloth was GOOD FOR NOTHING!
Here’s the message that was being delivered, The people who were supposed to be God’s chosen people were like this loincloth-- good for nothing!
“As a loincloth clings to a man’s waist, so I created Judah and Israel to CLING TO ME, says the Lord. They were to be my people, my pride, my glory-an honor to my name. But they would not listen to me.” (12:8-11)
I have heard a few “stinky sermons” but this WALKING OBJECT LESSON WREAKED with WICKEDNESS!
This same message is being demonstrated daily for me right now at my house. Our freezer out in the garage had the door left a tiny bit open. I won’t mention any younger members of the household who participated in this fiasco. However, when I came home from work I saw liquid floating in the garage from the melting freezer and I smelled “The Smell”.
Oh MY!! Our dumpster smells like a pasture of cows or worse. The flies are having a field day!! We are the talk of the neighborhood. Seriously!! People walk by and stop and get this look on their faces. “What is that horrible smell like someone died here?”
(No comment. Call the Complaints Division. Wink.)
Here’s the thing, friends…You can’t bring “Rotten UNWILLING Garments” back to life.
“Listen and pay attention! Do not be arrogant, for the Lord has spoken. Give glory to the Lord your God before it is too late.”
I am pretty sure that much of God’s creation of our generation may also be called, “Good For Nothing” …
And, once again God is the one being put on hold, “Complaint Department”? Anybody listening??